1 minute read
When he MUST hcrve cr concrete floor repqired...or cr plcrtlorm built or cr drivewqy paved in the SHONIEST POSSIBI.E I.ENGTTI OF TIME...
You mcrke yoursell his frien'd lor lile by hcrving in stock recrdy lor immedicrte delivery, exqctly what he needs-
UEII0 High-Ee'ty' strensth POTIIANd GEMEIIT
Using VELO, his plaiform will be ready for q lood his floor or drivewcy reody for troffic within 24 hours. in building construction, oiso, forms cqn be stripped in crs little os 24 hours.
VELO is highly plcrstic ond therefore eosy to work or pour. It mqkes c dense, wcrtertight concrete which sets quickly cnd ottqins o finol strength that meets the most rigid requirements. The decler who stocks VELO is recdy to serve cmy customer for whom quoiity plus speed ore urgentl