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Sehafer Bros. Lumber & Shinsle Oo. Lumber and Shippiog

Old Growth Fii and Hemlock Packaged Lumber Red Cedar Shingles

Fine Rcsponse FromJArticle

An official of the Pacific Wood Products Corporation recently informed a representative of "The California Lumber Merchant" that they had a fine response from the illustrated article on their large mill operations at Los Angeles which appeared in the September 15 issue.

They ordered 1000 reprints of the article which they are mailing out to the trade throughout the country' The four-page reprint is very attractive.

In this issue of the "Merchant," Pacific Wood Products Corporation are featuring in their advertisement one of the members of their front door family, the "Pacific CrossBuck Front Door," which is manufactured of California Sugar Pine.

tVith Coos B.y Lumber Co.

Jack Fenley is now connected with the Wilmington office of the Coos Bay Lumber Co. as outside salesman and is calling on the trade in the Los Angeles, Orange County and Beach territories. He was previously with the company working out of their Oakland office.

Optimistic Over Lumber Market Outlook

John F. Buchanan, Henry Mill Co., Tacoma, Wash., was a Los Angeles visitor the first of the month. With George S. Melville, Los Angeles manager for South Sound Lumber Sales, fnc., they spent several days calling on the Southern California retail trade. Mr. Buchanan states that he is verv optimistic over the lumber market outlook.

Re present Rockport Redwood Co.

Guy E. Smith, well known lumberman, has been appointed sales representative of the Rockport Redwood Company for Southern California. His office is at 330 Petroleum Securities Building, Los Angeles.

J. E. Fifer, who was with the Albion Lumber Company for many years, is San Francisco representative of the company with ofiice at 425 Crocker Building.

F. C. Kilpatrick is general manager of the Rockport Redwoocl Cornpany, and Ralph l\{. Rouncls is president. The sawmill at Rockport, Calif., is running two shifts, six days a week.

Mrs. H. B. Hewes

Mrs. H. B. Hewes, wife of H. B. Hewes, nationally known lumberman, passed away at Jeanerette, La., October 12.

In addition to Mr. Hewes she is survived by two daughters, Mrs. R. E. Florverree of New Orleans, and lVlrs. Arthur B. Grisl'l'old, San Francisco, and a son, Clarence B. Hewes of Washington, D. C. A1l of the family were present at the bed side.

Mrs. Grisrvold is the wife of Arthur B. Griswold, manager of the San Francisco office of the C. D. Johnson Lumber Company.

San Francisco

Geo. T. Gerlinger, president of ber Co., Dallas, Ore., was in San trip last week.


Willamette Valley LumFrancisco on a business

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