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Io Shepcrd


Jo Shepard, of Sacramento, California. He is manager of the lumber business of Friend & Terry Lumber Company, which has been continuo,usly in the retail lumber business under the same name since e'arly in 1853. Few, if any, other retail lumber concerns in the entire nation, can boast of such a record.

It r,vas in 1851 that Capt. A. NI. Simpson started a lumber yard at the corner of Second and "M" Streets, in Sacramento. Two years later he sold the yard to Friend & Terry, which was a partnership composed of Joseph S. Friend, and W. E. Terry, What became of Mr. Friend nobody knows. In 1879 the Friend & Terry Lumber Company was incorporated by W. E. Terry, A. M. Simpson, E. J. Dodge, C. W. Elliott, and John Stevens. It appears that Capt. Simpson, after selling the yard to Friend & Terry, rejoined them as a stockholder when they incorporated years later, and gradually became the contro'lling eleme,nt in the business. W. E. Terry died in 1894. Capt.

Simpson lived until 1915, and died at the age of 90. Now another family came into the picture, the Shepards. When L. G. Shepard was a school kid in Sacramento, he used to run errands and work as office boy for the Friend & Terry Luinber Company. When he left school he entered their employ. That was in 1888. He progressed so well that they made him manager of the business in 1898. Later he became vice-president as well as manager, and when he died in 1922 his son Jo, who had been working for the company since 1910 and knew all the ins and outs of the business, took over for him. He has been managel of the lumber business of the company (which has other interests) ever since.

Eighty-five years o'f honorable service in the up-building of a community is something to be very proud of. Jo Shepard has lived up to the best traditions of the Simpsons, the Terrys, and the Shepards, and is one of the finest examples of useful ,citizenship that the lumber industry knows in California.

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