2 minute read


Resnprest licks 'em oll. Its phenol formcldehyde resin bond is not crflected by heot, cold, moisture or dryness, mold, Iungus or termites. The lorge, economicql pqnels sqve time, cut lobor costs, bend eosily for streomlined effects. It's the modern, prolitcble building mqteriql. Write for free scmples and literqture.

Unconditionclly gucrrcnteed cAcinst ply sepcrction by M & it lvll0D|I(lnililG c0MPAllY, P0RTLAI{D, 0REG0ll -world's

Sash and Door \(/holesalers Will Play Golf

The Wholesale Sash & Door Association of Southern California will hol'd a golf tournament Wednesday afternoon, October 19, at the Potrero Country Club, 1640 East Manchester, Los Angeles.

Two beautiful trophies have been presented to the Association and will be played for at the tournament. One is the gift of Sampson Company of Pasadena and will be known as the "Guest Trophy," and the other is a gift of E. M. Galbraith to be known as the "Association Member Trophy." These trophies will have to be won three times by one individual before becoming his permanent possession.

Dinner will be served in the Club House at 6:00 P.M. Kenneth Smith, Lumber & Allied Products Institute, Los Angeles, and Lathrop Leishman, Crown City Lumber & Mill Co., and president of the Tournament of Roses Association of Pasadena, will be the guest speakers.

Everybody associated with the sash and door business and allied industries are invited to attend. "Pick" Maule and D. D. I\{cCallum are in charge of the arrangements. Reservations can be made by calling Association Secretary E. M. GalbraitLyAg}ggf.los Angeles.

Northwest Lumberman Visits California

Ed Schafer, sales manag'er, Schafer Bros. Lumber & Shingle Co., Montesano, 'Wash. was a recent visitor at the company's Los Angeles and San Francisco offices' He attended the Washington U.C'L.A. football game at Los Angeles on October 8.

Ior lurther details, literature, qnd the drcrmatic "Test It Yoursell"

Joins \(/est Oregon Sales Staff

C. M. "Friday" Freeland has joined the sales stafi of the West Oregon Lumber Co. and is working out of their Los Angeles office. He took over his new position on October 1. "Friday" has been associated with the lumber business in Los Angeles for a long time and is well known to the Southern California trade. He was with the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co. for fifteen years, and for the past three and a half years with Tacoma Lumber Sales. He will call on the trade in the metropolitan Los Angeles area and San Diego territory.

With Doud - Smith

W. R. Hawn is now with Doud-Smith of Los Angeles and is calling on the retail trade in the Long Beach, Orange County, Kite and Beach territories. Before entering the lumber business he attended the Southern Methodist University where he was a member of the football team. He was,previously salesman for the Coos Bay Lumber Co., working out of their Wilmington office, and is well known to the Southern California lumber trade.

A Year Of Pleasure Reading

Jack: Find herewith my check amount 92.00 for one more year's pleasure reading.

Fred L. Jones, Fred L. Jones Lumber Co. El Verano. Calif.

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