1 minute read
Deqr Lumbermen: oakiond hqs been selected {or the 20th Annucrl convention of the Cclifornia Retcril Lumbermen crnd dqtes hove been set for Thursdcry, Fridcry ond soturdcry, october 26 to 28, with hecdqucrters qnd sessions of the Hotel ooklcnd. Your convention committee hqs qlreqdy been cppointed and is hcrd qt work completing detcrils of cr business ond entertqinment program thcrt we qre confident will top ccnything yet offered. scturday members crnd their fcrmilies hcrve cr double thrill in store-the californicr-u. S. c. footbcll gcme ct Berkeley in the crfternoon, cnd a trip to the Golden Gqte Internationcl Exposition for Retail Lumbermen's Doy in the evening. we urge you to mork the dotes on your cqlendqr now qnd plcn definitely to ottend o convention we cne pledged to mqke o stcrnd out in every wcry.
The tentotive progrom colls for registrotion Thursdoy morning, october 26, with the first session ct l:30 p. m. thqt cfternoon. Thursday night the men will gather for cr stog dinner pcrrty they will never forget, followed by cr Hoo Hoo conccrt; meqnwhile the lcdies will be roycrlly entertcrined ct the becutiful yerbo Buenq Club on Treqsure Islqnd.
Business sessions, with the most cruthoritotive speokers ovcdlqble, will be held Friday morning ond cfternoon, followed by o dinner dqnce crnd gorgeous floor show in the Ivory Court of the Hotel Ocrklond thct night.
'w'e urge you to mqke your room reservations immedictely. we hove osked the Hotel ockland ond the Hotel Leamington to set oside rooms for your convenience, but they must know Now thcrt you cre coming. Holf q score of necrby hotels will clso hcrve splendid qccommodqtions cvcilcdcle of even lower rates.
Looking forwcnd to greeting you personolly, I cm
M. B. "NICK" CARTER, Genercrl Chcirmcrn.