1 minute read
Ar" you cashing in on Xmas demand for Plywood Tennis Tables?
r See your Douglcrs Fir Plyvood distributor cbout specicl pcckcged bcse. You fumish tops fron your Plywood stock
SEND FOR FnEE DRI-BILT MANUtrL Dri8ilt with Plyrrood necnr beller building conrtruction tbrough the ure ol Dougtlar Fir Plywood. Thir netho.d provider more volune lor you beccuie you rell ALL the ncteriqls lor c Dri-Eilt house. Get norc lalonacrlion Scnd tor &ce Dri-Bitt with Pltryood ncaual. DOUGTAS
Filh a deftnitc ned in the con*ruction or renovrtion of a buildinlt or ! homc where convsnicncc, rervicc ond cort llc plcrequiritcr.
\(heeler Osgood Door Honored at New York Fair
Pocket-Size Sample Kit
A place of honor in the Washington State Exhibit at the Ner,v York World's Fair was reserved for the twentyseven millionth door manufactured by Wheeler Osgood Sales Corp,oration. The door rvas formally dedicated on "State of Washington Crerv" day during a ceremony attended by over 70O people. Several offrcials of the cornpany participated in the dedication.
This door, shipped from the Tacoma factory, represents the more than 700 million feet of lumber and over 200 million feet of' veneered panel stock which have been built into Woco and Laminex d,oors during the company's fifty years of continuous existence.
Spends Week In South
Henry M. Hink, vice-president and sales manager of beer & Carson Lumber Co., San Francisco, spent the week of October in Southern California.
Of particular interest to architects and builders is the compact new sample kit created by The Insulite Company, Minneapolis. The kit is so designed that it can be conveniently carried in the coat pocket when making calls. It contains sixteen (16) miniature samples of the entire line of Insulite structural and interior finish materials, and weighs only l3l ounces complete.
On the underside of'the hinged cover is pictured a cutaway house showing the structural application of Bildrite Sheathing and Lok-Joint Lath, together with effective decorative treatments of each room with Graylite, Ins-Lite, Satincote, Smoothcote and Insulite HardBoards.
A. M. Batliner tVith Owens- Parks
A. M. Batliner, formerly sales representative for l-ongBell Lumber Company, became associated with Owens-Parks Lumber Company, Los Angeles, on October 1. He was connected with the I-os Angeles office of the I-ong-Bell Lumber Company since 1922, the past twelve years as a salesman.
In his new position he will act as lumber purchasing agent for Douglas Fir and Redwood, and will assist President C. R. Melin in matters pertaining to cargo shipping.
Byrn McDowell, formerly in the hardwood department Dol- of Owens-Parks Lumber Co., Los Angeles, has become a first member of the sales staff of W. B. Tones Lumber Co.. Los Angeles.
Rcprcrcnting in Southern Crlilornia: Thc Pacif,c Lumbcr Company-Wendling-Nathrn Co