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"Friend Making In Salesmanship"

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By Jack Dionne

Thct lhe crt of mcldng friends is one oI the big things in modern sslesurcnship, hcg come to be universclly crccepted crs the truth. Thctt the crbility to mcrke lriends IS in lcrct qn qrt, ccnnot well be doubted. It is both crn cnt cmd cr science.

The cbility to mcke lriends in your business aflairs doesn't "iust hcrppen " Like cny other good cmd uselul thing irr this world, it is the result of intelligent eflort.

The urcking of lriends is simply crpplyrng the science ol sclesurcrnship to your own person- clity. You use the sme mctuler qnd mecns thcrt you use in selling your physiccl cmrmodities, but you "sell yoursell" instecrd oI the goo&. Hcving "gold" the nqn on yoursell, he is much ecsier to sell with your business proposition"

You go right bcclc to the lundconentals of selling, ol cdvertising, oI letter writing, of cny scientific sales effort. Your cdn is to attract the ATTENTION oI your prospect to YOIIRSELF; you cqn use your ingenuity to then qrecrte an II{IEREST on his pcrrt in YOIIBSELF; you hold thct interest while you "put yourseU overi'with the prospect you end by convincing him all this ii-e without his knowing thct you cre prccticing cr delinite selling ccnnptrigm on him-ol your friendly vqlue. You have then "sold" yoursell, and hcve mcde cr lriend.

The mqn who hqs cr thousqnd lriends, hcrs c thouscmd prospects whom he should be crble to sell his goods to more recdily thcn to others. He hss cr thouscmd prospects to whom he should be cble to sell his commodities with grecrter ecse cnd lccility thcnr his ccnpetitor who is not on the "lriend" list.

The science of friend mcking is one of the most clluring cnd crttrcrctive efforts of the human mentclity. The mcnr who hies it intelligently, linds it cr perlectly wonderlul study, cmd in neeting his problems in this direclion" he unconsciously crnd cutomcticclly builds himsell up cs c lriend ncker. It is tr power cnd hcrbit thtrt grrows with e:cperience, iust cs the rolling snowball gcthers size and nomentum.

It is a science that sone nen trf in vcin" cnd NEVER leqrn, nruch to their budness disadvcntcge. Finding thelrrselves in this position they sometimes rcril ct the success oI the lellow who mcrkes cnd holds friends wherever he goes.

The mcnr who hcrsn't recrlized thct one of the grectest cssets to c successful ccreer in nine out of every ten lines ol businesE todcry is the art ol mcking cnd keeping frien&, hcrs missed one ol the biggest thoughts in this thing thct we call living.

And it is well to remenber lhcrt you ccn't mcrke lriends unless you yoursell crre reclly, honestly lriendly, inside cmd out. You hcrve got to find out whct you hcrve to "s€ll" the world in the wcrl' of personcrlity, crnd you hcrve got to uae your every irotelligent ellort to properly presenl yoursell to the world in thct light.

But first you hcve got to be strcright, dependcrble, optimistic, genicl, cnd possessing wcrrmth oI soul

The mcm with q thouscnd lriends is richer fcrr thcm the mcnr with cr million dollcrs.


Oclober 28,27 qnd 28, 1939

You qre invited to mcke our offices your hecdqudrtera stenogrcrpher, telephone, etc. dt your gervicel


537 First Street CATIFORNIA

Telephone: TEnplebcr 5584

Coeur D'Alene Retailer Cops Grand Pize in Shingle Contest

E. E. Belknap, retail lumberman of Coeur D'Alene, Idaho, won the grand prize in the Certigrade Shingle Contest, sponsored by the Red Cedar Shingle Bureau for the best display or promotion ideas for the sale of Certigrade Shingles. Twenty-two other prizes were arvarded to dealers in as many states and Canadian provinces.

Second prize was given to W. F. Knox, Ashland, Ore., and D. W. Goldthwaite, of Yankton, South Dakota, won third prize.

The accompanying photograph shows Mr. Belknap's first prize winning exhibit.

Buys Yard At Red Bluff

The Forward Brothers Lumber Company distributing yard at Red Bluff, Calif., has been sold to Spence Anderson of Portland, Ore. The name of the plant will be changed to the Red Bluff Lumber Company and will continue to be managed by James Thompson.

Alva and I-orin Forrvard, former owners of the yard, will continue to operate their mill at Manton, Calif.

With Peoples Lumber Company

Francis Mandis is now associated with the Peoples Lumber Company of Ventura as salesman. He was formerly with the Ganahl Lumber Company at Santa Barbara.

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