1 minute read


Mcrke your reservqtiona NOW at Hoiel Oaklcrnd (convention he<rdqucuters) qnd be in the hecrrt ol thingsl 12 minutes to the Exposition by cutomobile. 500 comfortcrble, outside rooms. Rctes with bcth, single lrom $3; double,Irom $4.

l4th & Harrison Sts., Ocklcnd H. B. Kingensmith, Mgr.


Harry W. Aldrich of Aldrich-Cooper Lumber Co., Portland, left San Francisco October 6 af.ter spending a few days visiting his son, Whitney Aldrich of Sunnyvale, Calif., who was recently injured in an automobile accident, but is now well on the way to recovery.

Gus Hoover Back From North

A. 'L. "Gus" Hoover, I-os Angeles, Southern California representative of The Pacific Lumber Company and Wendling-Nathan Company, has returned from a business trip to San Francisco, Scotia and Portland.

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