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California Retail Lumbermen to Hold Annual Convention in Oakland October 26,27 and 28
Indications are that all previous attendance records may be brokenat the 20th annual convention of California Retail Lumbermen to be held at the Hotel Oakland, Oakland, on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, October 26,27 and 2f3, 1939.
The convention committee has worked hard to provide a business program that will be of interest to every retail lumberman, and an entertainment program that is guaranteed to be high grade.
M. B. .Nic*,, carrer Registration will be on Thursday General Chqirnca morning and the first business sesConvention Committee sion will be held on Thursday afternoon under the direction of W. C. Bell, manager of the Western Retail Lumbermen's Association and Lumber Promotion, Inc.
The program at the Friday morning session will take the form of a construction symposium arranged by J. E. Mackie, San Francisco, manager of the Western office of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association, at which there will be discussions by outstanding speakers of new developments and uses of Western woods that will be interesting and helpful to retail lumbermen.
John W. Fisher, Fisher-Swartz Lumber Co., Santa Monica, president of the Califor:nia Retail Lumbermen's Association, will be chairman of the Friday afternoon session, and will address the convention.
Sam Hume, well known speaker, will talk on "Ham and Eggs."
I. M. Peckham, former U. S. District Attorney, San Francisco, will discuss an important legal subject.
F. Dean Prescott will report on the annual meeting of the National Retail Lumber Dealers Association held in Washington, D. C., and C. W. Pinkerton, secretary of the Southern California Retail Lumbermen's Association, will make a report for the State Association of his activities at the past session of the Legislature.
On Thursday evening there will be a stag party in the Ivory Court of Hotel Oakland at which exceptional entertainment is promised.
Immediately following the stag dinner and show there will be a Hoo.Hoo Concatenation, the first initiation ceremony held by International Hoo-Hoo for some years. For,mer members of Hoo-Hoo will be able to be reinstated at this meeting. The Concatenation will be in charge of
Larue Woodson, Supreme Arcanoper, and B. E. Bryan, Vicegerent Snark for Northern California and Nevada.
Ladies' Entertainment
There will be a full program of entertainment for the ladies, of which an important event will be a dinner on October 26 at the famous and exclusive Yerba Buena Club on Treasure Island. There is no registration fee for the ladies.
Those who wish to attend the California-U. S. C. football game in California Memorial Stadium in Berkeley on Saturday afternoon, October 8, can obtain tickets at $2.50 each by sending check to M. B. Carter, general chairman, Room 320 Financial Center Building, Oakland.
The Fair
Saturday night is official California Retail Lumbermen's night at the Golden Gate Inter.national Exposition.
Convention Committee
General Chairman, M. B. "Nick" Carter, Hogan Lumber Company, Oakland.
J. O. Handley, M. J. Murphy, Inc., Carmel; F. L. Dettmann, Allen & Dettmann Lumber Company, San Francisco; Charles T. Lund, Henry Hess Company, San Rafael; F. Dean Prescott, Valley Lumber Company, Fresno I H. "Abe" Lincoln, Jr., Lincoln Lumber Inc., Oakland; Richard Keller, Hogan Lumber Company, Oakland; M. A. Freitas, Smith Lumber Company, Oakland; V. J. Herrman, Tilden Lumber Company, Berkeley; Frank Teakle, E. K. Wood Lumber Company, Oakland; Thos. Jacobsen, Oakland, and Jas. B. Overcast, president, Hoo-Hoo Club No.39, Oakland.