3 minute read
Galif ornia Exteriors r r r
Provides A Big Volume ltem For TUMBER DEATERS
O $food with its traditional adaptability makes possible that variation in design and application, which is the secret of individuality in homes. Beautiful Ponderosa Pine has won its desired place as the ideal wood for a great number of uses in home building. More and more architects and builders are turning to Ponderosa Pine to create beautiful exteriors.
This soft.textured wood has a straight, close, uniform grain. The Ponderosa Pine from the \7'eyerhaeuser Klamath Falls mill is unexcelled in smoothness, appearance and uniformity. Here under one roof in the largest shed in the wodd, Ponderosa Pine is stored after being scientifically kiln dried. In storage it is never exposed to the elements from the time it leaves l$/hile Ponderosa has developed such unusual popularity for exteriors, its many orher uses also contribute to its saleability and make it a fast moving volume item. To mention a few, it is excellent for subflooring, sheathing, roof boards, siding, window frames, storm the log pond until it arrives at the yard of the Retail Lumber Dealer. Its well seasoned condition when shipped from Klamath Falls helps it to meet exacting conditions. sash, screens, doors, cabinet work and shelving.. Ponderosa is widely used for knotty pine paneling where it has earned an enviable reputation.
Ponderosa Pine has a low shrinkage factor, which is practically 30% less than some of the heavier soft woods. It is one of the premier woods in its ability to sta! in place. Carpenters like it, because it is easy ro work with. It nails well, saws well, machines well and glues well. Its ability to take and hold paint also adds to the value of Ponderosa.
Give me the man who is enthusiastic.
The man who fairly bubbles over with all-absorbing interest in what he is doing.
If I play with him, he will not bore me. If I do business with him, he will not fool me.
My brain will take new energy, in keeping pace with his; the stimulus of his action will rouse the sluggard blood in my veins. I can depend on him, for he knows not the meaning of proscrastination, and scorns shirking. He may make mistakes, bless him,-who doesn't? He's got the vim and the punch and the stuff that life is made of, and his mistakes are the mistakes of aggression, not hesitation. Keep your brilliant men, learned men, wise men-and give me the enthusiastic man. now and forever.
She Wanted Facts
The man at the information booth said: "Lady, that train goes to El Paso and points West."
She said: "Young man, I'm looking for the train that goes to Oklahoma City and I don't care which way it points."
'We've read long lists of s:rvage beasts, By hunters brave compiled; But all of them are tame compared To deuces when they're wild.
The jackals howl, the serpents hiss, In what was once Persepolis. Proud Babylon is but a trace, Upon the desert's dusty face. The topless towers of Illium Are ashes. Judah's harp is dumb. The fleets of Nineveh and Tyre Are down with Davy Jones, Esquire. And all the oligarihies, kings, And potentates that ruled these things Arc'gone. But cheer up. Don't be sad. Think what a lovely time they had !
The Hero
It's easy enough to be pleasant, When your wife signs your name to a checlg But the guy that's worth while Is the one that can smile
When she's shaving the back of his neck.
The height of absurdity is to island with an old sweetheart. be cast away on a desert
Double Talk
Julius Caesar and his friend Cassius were walking one day in the Roman Forum, when they passed a couple of very pretty girls. As was his custom, Julius gave them a glad hello as they went by. Cassius asked:
"Who was them gals?"
And Caesar answered:
"I don't know, but I'm Forum."
It was then that Cassius decided something must be done to rid Rome of this monster.
A Single Specimen
It was in one of the Jesse James type of night clubs, and the cigarette girl collected six bits from a customer for a pack of cigarettes. He beefed:
"Vat? Seventy-fife cents for vun package Luckies? Vot do you tink I am?"
"f don't know" answered the cigarette girl, yawning behind her hand. "But whatever the answer is, you're the only one of it."
Would ye learn the road to Laughter Town, Oh ye who have lost the way?
Would ye have young hearts though your hair be grey ? Go, learn from a child at play. Go serve his wants, and play his play, Arid catch the lilt of his laughter gay, And follow his dancing feet as they stray; For he knows the way to Laughter Town, Oh ye who have lost the way.