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Portland, Oregron
Manufacturers of Rail and
Los Angeles Sqlas Office
127-428 Petroleun Securities Bldg. Telephone Blchnond 0281
Flne Shipment of \Vest Coast Maple
OH Growth Douglas Fir Cargo Shippers
Scrn Frcncisco Scrles OlEce Evqns Ave. qt Toland St. Telephone ATwcrter 5878
The California Door Co. Moves to New Los Angeles Location
The California Door Company will move October 15, from its old location on Central Avenue to its recently purchased warehouse at 494O District Boulevard, Los Angeles, "where 50th meets District."
The new telephone number is Klmball 2141.
This company has outgrown the old quarters which have been headquarters since 1905, and the fine new building will amply take care of expanding business.
Dealer Adg Tie in With National Defense
The above photograph shows a half-car shipment of exceptionally good Pacific Northwest Maple which was purchased by the Brush Industrial Lumber Co. of Los Angeles. This stock, First and Seconds grade, is 4 inches thick, averaging l0 inches in width, and 8 feet and longer.
Brush Industrial Lumber Co. carries a good portion of West Coast hardwoods in the First and Seconds grade, especially in the heavy stock 2l to 4 inches thick, air drying same in their yard.
Ncw Manual on Sheathing for Buildings
Washington, September 16-The technical staff of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association has just completed several months' study of all data available on the subject of sheathing.
Copies of the sheathing manual are available in limited quantities without charge and may be secured by writing to the National Lumber Manufacturers Association, 1337 Connecticut Avenue, Washington, D. C.
A nerv series of newspaper advertisements on the new Double Value Balsam-Wool Sealed Insulation has been prepared by the Wood Conversion Company of Saint Paul, Minnesota. There are 12 new advertisements in this series, varying in size from one column by five inches to two column by eight inches. Some of these ads tie in directlt' with the National Defense Program. All material is avail able to dealers in mat form without cost through the Wood Conversion Company or its representatives.
T. B. Hatten
Funeral services for Thurston B. Hatten, Los Angeles sash and door wholesaler, were conducted from Pierce Brothers' chapel, Hollywood, Thursday afternoon, October 2.
Mr. Hatten was 56 years of age, and a native of Missouri. He had been associated with the lumber business since 1913, and was widely known in Pacific Coast lumber circles, having been connected rvith the retail lumber business in Arizona, and.later at Long Beach, Calif., after rvhich he entered the wholesale sash and door business in Los Angeles.
He is survived by his u'idow, Mrs. Blanche E. Hatten, and a son, George E. Hatten.
Port Orford Cedar
Operates Company Airplane for Quick Business Trips of Officials
a few years. The river, with its steam boat and log raft, was the life blood of the lumber business. Now. in a few hours, one can travel by air to either coast.
"Nearly as great speed and change has been achieved in the modern production of woodwork," Mr. Curtis continued. "Today our factories are turning out many large defense orders. When one sees how modern machines and methods take a carload of lumber and quickly turn it into windows and doors and other woodwork, it seems like the days of 1866 are much farther back than 75 years ago. I think the building industry, too, has advanced rapidly and is keeping pace r.vith modern demand for speed and greater and better production."
Lumber Industry Minimum \(/age Approved
Curtis Companies Incorporated, Clinton, Iowa, manufacturers of Curtis Woodwork, ricently put into use a company airplane for quick business trips of officials to various parts of the country. The plane will operate out of,Clinton and will be at the disposal of executives and sales representatives. It is a five passenger, 225 horsepower Beechcraft with a cruising speed of 155 miles per hour. The plane rvill be in charge of a company pilot.
Curtis operates woodwork plants in several states and has distributors and dealers all over the country and in Canada. The company has felt for some time the need for quick transportation to sales conferences and business meetings. With a plane readily available there will be greater opportunities for closer cooperation rvithin the Curtis organization and with their dealers.
1941 marks the 75th year of the founding of the Curtis institution. fn commenting on the purchase of a plane for business use, G. L. Curtis, president of the company, stated:
"It's interesting to look back on the early days of this and other businesses and to dwell on the difficulties which had to be overcome by the pioneers of our American industry. When our business was started in 1866, it was a day,s journey by train from Clinton to Chicago (1,10 miles). The railroad had then been extended west of the Mississippi only fn announcing approval of the timber and furniture minimums, General Fleming clarified the division between the lumber industry and the furniture industry as defined for the wage orders. The definition of the furniture industry includes "the manufacture and assembling from wood of furniture parts separately, setup, or knocked down . " The furniture industry will include, General Fleming said, all wood-working operations necessary to the manufacture of furniture following delivery of the wood from the dry kiln or air-dried dimension shed. It will include the manufacture of furniture parts whether made in the furniture factory or a sawmill.
Recommendations by industry committees for the establishment of minimum wage rates of 35 cents an hour in the lumber industry, and 40 cents an hour in the wood furniture industry were approved today by General Philip B. Fleming, Administrator of the Wage and Hour Division, U. S. Department of Labor. Wage orders will be issued shortly putting these minimum rates into effect November 3.
Wood parts, produced for furniture manufacturers, whereever manufactured, will be considered "furniture parts" and within the furniture industry if the wood-working operations include processes other than rip sawing, cut-off sawing, molding, planing and resawing. The manufacture of veneer and plywood will be within the lumber and timber products industry for which the minimum will be 35 cents an hour. However, the manufacture from plywood or veneer of "furniture parts" will be within the furniture industry for which the minimum will be 4O cents an hour.