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Ne* Bureau Takes Over West Coast Grading and Inspection
Seattle, Wash., Sept. 27. The following announcement has been made by the West Coast Bureau of Lumber Grades and Inspection:
Under provisions of the Consent Decree in the case of West Coast Lumbermen's Association, et al., this Bureau will take over October l, I94L, the grading and inspection activities previously conducted by the Department of Grades of the Association. These are:
1. Publication of Standard Grading and Dressing Rules for West Coast Lumber.
2. Supervision and instruction in grading practices at the mills of Subscribers.
3. Grade-marking and certified inspection of mill shipments or yard stocks.
4. Reinspection of lumber shipments on complaint.
5. Licensing qualified Subscribers to use the registered Grade- and Trade-Marks of the Bureau and supervising their use.
These services are available, at cost, to every manufacturer in the Douglas fir region; and to all specifiers, distributors and users of West Coast Lumber. (Schedule of charges herewith.)
The Bureau has adopted GRADING and DRESSING RULES NO. l1 of West Coast Lumbermen's Association.
The Bureau has adopted a new Trade-Grade Mark, replacing the mark hitherto used by West Coast Lumbermen's Association:
The Bureau Grade-Mark is protected against infringement by U. S. Certificates of Registration Nos. 368989 and 36890, issued under the Federal Trade-Mark Act. Stamps for the Bureau Grade-Marks will be supplied to
Subscribers as rapidly as practicable. Meantime, under authority of the Association Trustees, the Bureau will assume on October 1 the administration and enforcement of all grade-marking by Licensees or Bureau Inspectors, with either Stamp.
Stamps will contain one of the following symbols indicating a current Standard Grade of the Bureau:
Sel. Mer. 1 r?fn,#f. 2
Sel. Str. 900# f 3
The grading and grade-marking of all mills licensed to use the Stamps of the Bureau will be regularly supervised and checked by its Supervisors in the same manner as by the Department of Grades hitherto. The Bureau will take over the experienced staff of Supervisors and Inspectors developed by the Association. during the past 20 years.
Inspection services, grading rules and further infbrmation may be obtained from the following Bureau offices: New York City,205 E.42nd Street; Washington, D. C., National Lumber Mfrs. Assn., 1337 Connecticut Ave.; Los Angeles, Room A-63, Chamber of Commerce Bldg.; San Francisco, 278 Monadnock Bldg.; Chicago, 1032 Midland Bldg.; Eugene, Ore., 1035 Willamette Street; Portland, Ore., 802 Yeon Building; Seattle,'Wash., 364 Stuart Building.
Schedule of Charges for Inspection Services
Inspection Subscriptionfor Standard Grading Rules, Mill Supervision and Instruction in Grading Practices and License to use Bureau Grade-Marks: 2 cents per M feet of lumber shipments. Open to any manufacturer in the Douglas fir producing region.
Certificate Inspection, Grade-Marking Service and Reinspection-on lumber-in the Douglas Fir producing region of Oregon and Washington: For Inspection Subscribers of the Bureau-Thirteen dollars and fifty cents ($13.50) per day (8 hours) for the inspectors time and expense' (overtime for work in excess of eight hours per day and for Saturdays, Sundays and holidays will be added to the $13.50 rate named). For All Others-sixteen dollars and twenty- five cents ($16.25) per day (8 hours) for the inspector's time and expense, (overtime for work in excess of eight hours per day and for Saturdays, Sundays and holidays will be added to the $16.25 rate named).
Certificate Inspection----on piling-in the Douglas Fir producing region of Oregon and Washington: For All Producers or Distributors whether Inspection Subscribers or NotSixteen dollars and twenty-five cents ($16.25) per day (8 hours) for the inspectors time and expense, (overtime for work in excess of eight hours per day and for Saturdays, Sundays and holidays will be added to the $16.25 rate named).
Reinspection Service Charges-Outside the Douglas Fir producing region of Oregon and Washington: On Shipments from Inspection Subscribers-Twelve dollars and fifty cents ($12.50) per day for the inspector's time, plus travel and subsistence charges on work performed away from billing points. On Shipments from All Others:Twenty dollars ($20.00) per day for the inspector's time, plus travel and subsistence charges on work performed away from billing points.
Certificate Inspection and Grade-Marking Charges in Market Areas, except California: The following rates apply to all lumber stocks without distinction between those produced by Inspection Subscribers or others-l" Stock, $1.50 per M ;2" and 3" Stock, $1.00 per M; Thicker than 3" Stock, 75 cents per M; Charges apply to all lumber handled, regardless of volume marked or certificated; Minimum charges, twenty dollars ($20.00) per day and ten dollars ($10.00) per half-day; these minimum rates may be spread over two or more jobs.
Certificate Inspection and Grade-Marking Charges in California: Ten dollars ($10.00) per day for men continuously employed on full time; Thirteen dollars and fifty cents ($13 50) per day for one day's service, plus transportation; Six dollars and seventy-five cents ($6.75) for one-half day's service, plus transportation; Overtime for work in excess of eight hours per day and for Saturdays, Sundays and holidays will be added to the $13.50 rate named; Subsistence costs to be added to above charges where work is performed away from billing points.
Appointed Mill Superintendent
O. C. Willis, McNary, Ariz., has been appointed superintendent of the Flagstaff branch of Southwest Lumber Mills, Inc., succeeding M. J. Ragley, who has moved to Jefferson, Texas, where he is planning on going in business for himself. Mr. Willis has been with the Southwest Lumber Mills, Inc., since 1925.
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