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lncorDorated undcr thc lawg ol California J. C. Dionnc. PrcJanJ Tiu.; Phlt B- Hart" Vicc-Pncr.; J. E Mardn, Secv' Publlrhed tt. lrt rnd 15tb of cech Donth at 3lr-ls-2! CENTRAL -BaILDING, rOS .lXCeLeS, CAL, TELE_PHqNE,--VArdile (tl6 Entcrcd u Sccond-daI Batt4 SaPtmber E, -lgl2, at thc tsottolllcG at -Lo-.nnlclJr'-Caliiornia' ildcr Act 6f Mirch 3' lt?r.

Subrcription Price, $Z.lXl pcr Year Singlc Copier,25 centr cach. LOS ANGELES, CAL., NOVEMBER I, 1925

How Lumber Looks

San Frencirco Oficc iOe Metron Bldg. Phonc Grrfield 500

Southern Oficc

2nd Nattonal Bank Bldg.

Northwcrtcrn Oficc 3tl Northrertctl Bk. Bldg. Pctlal4 Orrton

Advertiring Ratcr on Application

Buyrog in Southern California har slowd down a little in same ratisfactory basir that it har for several monthr and t[e the lart two weekr. Wfif" iftir -"v "ot h"va a direct bear- quertion i", qdql such conditio-n3, -hory much longer-can ing on prerent-day "";iiti"",-thr i""t rh"fth" -ilJi;;."t- tley ho{ -bao\ thpir businers. Had pricec remained firrn' .t t.riit"ty har irot a;";idA quite the volurre anticipat- they.:vould-un{or1bt{ly be buying tq*., ed. and with Califorrji'#ffiiliil]"ift""tfiifr*-*J[- 'iThe Atlantic Coart market is wrecked for the next thirtv ;:id";ft#;;r*kJ;;;h* --- ---- days at least as a suftcient arnount of lumber is alreadv in tranrit unsold to keep. the,buyerr ttrere,in controlwitr, u.uang ;.i.is;;;i;t r[.-;;; iii.l it is, and with "california is plaiing-rh" i"tre kind of -same il hal.all the bright-piorp-e&i t["t til-"t"te har foi *irt.t "la spring, during-this-v9{ bv watching-the other rnarketland paving tht";idht [.dii; fiyi"s-;ili]]|;*iousit"fi*t;tb"iv.,-' only ivhat ii ir rorcea to-by the competition There are no -i"t["g"i Diifr"t the wholemlers r"p"rt tr"t"their de- exctsive rtocks in Cdiforiria. The proap-ectr for-buildils mand is fair and thai;;tt;;Jti"rg.-.r"tl"ri Jh-b"t are ar pright ll-evcr. what thev pav-will depend entirelv ilb"]',-j;t;. ttt rru"-f""" i"p"ftJ we11 filled order upon the condi-tion of the gengral market. nlee foi the next fa-ty-n'" Jt;;A th;-'"tt-;;k;i.""-" t" +ff|ff: sj'if,fi; rhown no chapge in two weekr, their are being held down mainly becaure tho. i. " d""iJJ it ort' d.nn"nj i";""d;d rd;;il;;.-ntil.- -- ' -__-ace -o.f .Iome*ic cuttins and vhile.realiziTg that -ttre- basis

The Redwood -* ."p"* the rame conditionr that exirt af which export or{gs are going ir lower than it should b-e' for the pine men. Their order baokr J;i;-;""d rhape, the mitlr ari compelled to take iL The outlook fo-r a rteafv ;5io[;r, ;" -ri."ty iiJ prL-ri;"-."trn*t"iJ.- - ' volume of expo{o1der9 ir good.ald pricec depend upon tte

From the northwelt come the following -ord: future amount of other heavy- cutting. .rConditionr.r. f.-a"r""r,tJit ;;d "ia tn. actual con- "It-ie very apprrent that the volume of car material buri""-puli"ii"-fit"1;t;;*s;tfi;["tilit"ip**itv nelr h due-to-rhow an increase sometime during the nert ilflttsil;f tfr"ir pr"i;;;;ih;t"v"r" r"""-"o""*d"d itt $i{y^ days. w.fk thir-opinion ir general there- ir t"!hi"g t6r"*igtri"-"ttit""i;-a-.1"";."im.i"*ivG6";th; q"dit9 upon whiclr to base figuree-for e.ven when n[aced a[;-;d; n."d. --:.iir;-;;i-prono,-ced :lowing flown har been in the f,rr"i*.a in Pacific Coart woodr. If the cer mat€rial orderr Middle Wect. 'Unw;"ot"d r"d.icioo" i"-;ti;L"o. n"a should come in heavily-they-would rur-doubtedlv have an

U" "f6,3t g,i pr"i"gi"g U.1"v"t* "ttit" -ti"n two weeks immediate infuence on lhe price -of yard etock-qpperl. ;;;1;J i"-. r-ig"i;ah#"g r"""n"a "r"ra.Frorn "Taken ar a whole r[e next thirty davr hold manv un' aii rp"ft" lumber ir-moving out of the retail yards on the certaintier."

Northern Buyer

Young man, 27, now employed by large rail and cargo wholesalers, would like to represent California concern as buyer Oregon and Washington. Thorough experien-ce-lumbei game, bffice and outside. Now located Portland; know mills this district. Accept small salary or commission until satisfactory volume developed. Address Box A-79, care California Lumber'Merchant.

Aberdeen Strike Settled

Aberdeen, Oct.22.---The strike of 1,3ffi mill workers that has tied up six mills here for four weeks, was settled this afternoon, when ttfe stt'ikers in mass meeting voted to accept an offer of $3.75 minimum for all classes of labor.


Wanted: Lumber yard in'Santa Clara Vafley, $25,' 000 to $100,000. Address Box A-81, care California Lumber Merchant.


1\{r. L. R. Gaynor, Jr., manager of the Nettleton Lumber Company, has been'iir the east for the past several weeks, in conniction with the opening of their new East Coast offices, and looking over the territory in general.

In a communication to their Los Angeles offices he stated that he had found lumber conditions very quiet and buying almost stagnant but that the general feeling seemed to be for better fimes in the not far distant future.

The November l5tt lraue of THE CAUFORNIA LUMBER MERCHANT will contain a cgmplete regord of thc


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