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(The Clearing House)

This Column of "Wants" and "Don't Wants" is for: The Fellow Who Wants to BuY The Fellow Who Wants to Sell The Fellow Who Wants to Hire Rste:


inch The Fellow Who Wants to Be Hired


Manager for retail lumber yard in Atizona. Must be first clais man. For particulars address Box A-71, care California Lumber Merchant.

Want To Buy Yard

Wanted to buy retail lurnber yard, 20 to $'10,000. Address Box A-66. care California Lumber Merchant.

WANTED-Thoroughly experienced lumber sal,esman. Write full qualifications and experience. Box A-80, care California Lumber Merchant.

A Southwestern Representative

The Louisiana yellow pine mill which I have served as sales manager for the past several yeilg has recently cut out and left the field; I am now'riithout a connection and want to get in touch with some high class operation who needs a high class representative in the Southwest.

In executive positions for fourteen years on the Retail Yard and nine years at the mill privileges me to feel that I know lumber from the stump to the consumer and I know the Southwesterq trade as well as anyone could kno\r it. If you are selling Texas, Louisiana and the Southwest, I can increase your volume of business.

If you contemplate entering that market, I will open an omce for you and introduce your Products in that territory. I would like to talk it over with you and' if you are interested, will be pleased to.have you address me: C. B. M., care Gulf Coast Lumberman, Second National Bank Building, Flouston, Texas.

sTATEMENT OF TIIE OWNERSHIP. MANAGEMENT, CIRCULATION, ETC., REOI,IIRED BY THE'ACT OF CONGRESSi OF of rhc californ" ""-ot'uftYitfli i'"L'it"n.u semi-monthly at Los Angeles, California, for October l, 1925.

State of Ca_liforgia I "". Countv of Ias Ancelcs. I Beiore mc, a Notary Fublic ia and for the 9tatc and county rforc' said, peraonally apppared Phil-B, Ilart, wh.o, havi9g lqen dgly qworn accordins to lbw.- dcooscs and says tLat h6 is thi Managing Editor of the California Lumber Merchant, and that the following is, to th€ best of his knowledce and belief, a truc statement of the ownership, management (and if-a daily papcr, the circulation), etc., of thc aforcl said oublication {or the date shown in tbe sbove caption, tcquircd bv thle Act of Autrust U. L912. embodied in section 4ll. Postal Isws a;d Rerulations. oiiated 6n thi revcrrc of thir form. to wit: t. fhat the iimcg and addrerces of tbc publiohcr, cditor. maneging editor. and business managers arc: Publisher, J. C. Dionne, 318 Central Bldq.. Los Anceles: Editoi. T. C. Dionnc. 318 Central Bldg., Los Ansele-si Managing Editor, P1'il-8. Hart, 318 Central Bldg., Lbs Angeles; Business Manacers. None.

2. That thJ ofner is: (If owned by a corporation, its namc and address must be stated and also immcdiately thereunder tbe names and addresses of stockholders owning or holding one per c€nt or more of total amount of stock. If not owned by a corporation, the names and addresscs of thc individual ownerg must bc given. If o*'ned by a 6rm, company, or other unincorporated c6ccrn, its name and address, as well as those of each indifidual member, must be given.) J. C. Dionne, 318 Central Blda., Ils Angcles.

3. That the knowu bondholdcrs, mortgegeca, ald othcr lccuritJr holders owning or holding I Dcr ccnt or more of total amount of bonds. mortgages, or other securities are: (If there are none, so state.) None.

4. l'hat thc two paragraphs ncxt abovc, giving the lamca of thc owners, stockholders, and sccurity holders, if any, contain Dot oaly thc list of atockholders'and security holdcrs as they appear upon the books of the company but also, in cascs *-herc thc stockholdcr or security holdcr appears upon the books of the company ss trulte. or in any othcr fiduciary rclation, the name of thc person or corpora- tion for whom such trustce iE acting, is given; also that the reid two oaraqraohs contail statements embracinc affiant's full knowlcdsc end beliel ai to the circumstanccs and coadifions under which stockEoldcrr and aecurity holdcrs wbo do trot appear upon thc books of the company aE trustces, hold stock and securitics in a capacity other than that of a bona fide ownerl and this affiant has no reason to believe that any other person, association, or corporation has any intcrcst direct or indirect in thc said stock, bmds, or oth€r securities than as so statcd by him,

5. That the avcrage number of copies of cach issue of thic publi. cation sold or distributed, through the mails or othcrwirc, to paid subscribers during the six monthJ prcceding tbc datc chown sbovl is (rbis irformation is required trftr Ld?l:rffRli:"ii?l: ;i,t*]

Sworn to and subscribed be{ore me this 21st dav of Seot.. 1925. ISEAL] EVELYN CAVENDER.

(My commission expircs 3-31, 1928)

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