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We have received many complimentary letters upon how our veneera were cut. Because they are tight, smooth, and fat. These are not testimonials, they come unsolicited from practical men who have used our veneers, and found the saving in their own veneer rooms, glueing department, at their sanders, and their finiehing roome. Besideg the economy, uniform tight cutting gives the finished product a better appearance, for there are no light and dark spots due to ruptured grain.
Wouldn't it be a ghame to disfigure a beautiful Figured Red Gum Tree of 50,000 feet of veneer with poor cutting? Naturc does her part well, and so do we, for we have found that it pays to produce good veneers and plywood, and so have our customers.
A good stock of veneers and plywood is carried in Los Angeles for immediate shipment.
Larkspur Lumber Co. Now Located in Their Mew Yard
The Larkspur Lumber Co., pioneer retail lumber dealers of lVlarin County, are now located in their new yard at Larkspur rvhich is a strictly modern up-to-date plant. The photograph is a view of their attractive new lumber office. To facilitate the handling of lumber, they have a spur track that runs through the center of the yard. R. C. Doherty, who is well known to the lumber trade of Northern California is the manager of the Larkspur Lumber Co., has been associated with the lumber business for many years and is a progressive lumber merchant.
Representing an investment of approximately $100,000 and doubling of the size of its yards,-the C. S. Piirce Lumber Company will move from its present location at H and Mariposa streets to H street south of Belmont. about lanu- str-eets Belmont, about January I, according to the announcement of Frank F. Minard. k Minard, vige-president and general manag'er. The new yards and offices will be located on land 150 feet wide by- 2000 feet long, already owned by the company, between Fi streel and the Southern Pacific tracks. Five hundred feet of railroad ary L, tr"ack will serve the yards.