1 minute read


fu lack Dionnc

Age not guaranteed-Some I have told for 2O years-Some leso.

Another Veteran

There are many old Southern stories that are almost household favorites. Many of these have been told in this column.

One that is often told, and in a variety of ways and fashions, is that of the very elderly darkey who worked around the Capitol at Washington, who claimed to be well over a hundred years of age, and to have known well all the famous figures in American history. He was never at a loss fo1 recollections, and singe the people they used to ask him about were all dead and there was no one to contradict, he always took it for granted that he was perfectly safe in any claims he might make.

The result was that the white folks used to delight in pumping him, and listening to the things he remembered concernlng famous Americans.

One day a visitor, who had heard of Uncle Mose's wonderful age and recollections, began pumping him. Uncle Mose admitted that he knew Franklin, Jefferson, Madison, a carload or a rtichl

'qod lurnbcr quick?

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