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Service Satisfies

Weyerhaeuser's Trade Marked, Nationally .Advertised Douglas Fir and Western Hemlock Flooring is, undoubtedly, the world's best and most dependable softwood Flooring. We have the exclusive agency for the flooring output of all the great Weyerhaeuser mills throughout the State of California.

Open Eastern Offices

' From Nettleton's "Car$,o Review"

. We take pleasure in announcing the opening of ottr offices in New York City and in Boston.

Feeling that we can better take care of the interests of mills shipping through'us, after t0day, the l5th, all of our sales in NewYork and Boston will be handled through our own offices.

The Boston office at 10 High street will be under the very able management of Mr. A. Mervin Chace. Mr. Chace through hii former concern, A. Mervin Chace & Co., has represented our interests in Boston for some time past, and is already well known by many of our mills. He is a man of long and wide experience in the eastern lumber game and thi handling of Cargo and West Coast lumber, we feel fortunate, indeed, to have secured the services of Mr. Chace.

- The New York office located at 3048 Grand Central Terrninal building will have as resident manager Mr. Harold A. Crane. Mr. erane has already spent some years with this company having first been in our Southern California office in Lbs Angeles. After having been assistant manager there he spent over a year in our Seattle office. He has since had further buying experience on the West Coast and for the past year has been with a large lumber concern in New York. Mr. Crane, although a young man, has had a r'vide experience ranging from manufacturing, buying rail and caigo and selling on the West Coast to selling o_n the- East Coist. He knows our methods of working and we knorv him. 'We are fortunate that he is available for the position of manager in this important Post.

We cannot help but feel that with our present lineup rve are in a position to give a great deal of real service to our mills, more and better service than it has been our pleasure to perform in the past.


Heralding the arrival of a new line of roofing to be placed on the local market the Los Angeles Paper Mfg. Co.' has made substantial progress on their new buildings which rvill be devoted to the manufacture of roofing

It is understood the company will market a full line of roofing, foofing felts, prepared shingles, etc. ' According to presenl plans the structure will be ready for production by the first of the year and r,vill have a daily output of 75_tons.

This is a new development for the Los Angeles Paper Manufacturing Company, though they have been engaged in the manufacture of roofing felts, deadening felts, building papers, etc., for the past 25 years.

The first paper mill that was located in Southern California was puichased by Joseph Brorvn, Sr., president of the company, in 1899.

Present plans contemplate the launching of an elaborate advertising campaign, so that the roofing may be properly marketed. Machinery is arriving daily and is of the very latest type, the installation being considered of such im' portance-that one of the members of the firm who makes lhe machinery is in Los Angeles supervising its installation. The roofing rvill be marketed through lumber dealers. hardware stores, etc.

An old established eastern wholesale house offers opportunity to an exnerienced lumberman who has buying and selling contacts in any widely used wood which they would like to extend. Any interested will write, outlining nature and scope of business, territories covered, business experience, and refererrces. Answer Box A-82, care California Lumber Merchant.

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