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Use Redwoo d."it losts"
Plarterlng Gontractorc are Favorlng
The $25,1X10 advcrtiring canpaign on Good Plartering launched by the Bluc Diamond Compeny will make Plartcring Contractorr GLAD to do burincu with Bluc Diamond dcalerr. In addition to good plartcr, Bluc Diemond dcslerr now hevc en crtra rclling hclp-the Good Will of the cntirc plertcring indurtry. Thir Good Will, pilcd up through thcre edvcrtircncntr which will inducc thc building public to PAY MORE for Good Plertcring, will crcatc addcd burincr for Blue Dianond dcelcrr.
No mention of plertcr ir mrdc in thir campeign. It ir bercd on tLc idca of rclling Good Plertcring. Thir bcnc6tr cvGry plartcrcr and plartcring contrrctor end, in turn, bcncfitr Gvcry Bluc Diemond dcelcr, too.