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Evergreen Shingle Corporation Agency for Mills

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A new development in the marketing of Red Cedar Shingles is the formation by groups of mills of non-profit sales agencies in the various districts, and the shingle mills of Gray's Harbor seem to have fallen into line with this idea of combining their sales under one head.

The latest organization of this kind is known as the Evergreen Shingle Corporation, which has jrrst opened general offi..t in Aberdeen, \Mash. They will act as general sales managers of the shingle departments of the following mills: National Lumber & Mfe. Co., Hoquiam, Wash'; Schafer Bros. Shingle Co., Moniesano,-Wash.; Joe Creek-Shingle Co., Aloha] Wash'; Ripley Cedar Co., Inc', Aberdeen, Wash., and Ultican Cedar Co., Aberdeen, Wash'

This line-up of quality shingle manufacturers assures the Evergreen Corporition of a line o-f .shingles fo-r all requirement3. They can furnish Green $i1g-le-s for California and East Coast -shipments, or Kiln Dried {or the re-gular-rail tride. We understand that two of their mills will make a ip""i"ttv of California shipments. They will have. their o*tt e.tt"t"l inspector, who-will inspect all of their shingles, makif,g a trip to each mill every day, and they are going to try to make a shingle uniform in every respect'

Most of these mills will need no introduction to the trade' Schafer Bros. and the National Lumber & Mfg' Co- have U""" Uig factors for many Jrears' both in the shingle and lumber business.

This office will not be a wholesale concern, as they will buv nothing from outside mills, but will act as general

."1'", -"n"g""rs for the mills, rvhich will not lose their identiw *ittt tteir particular trade, as each mill will carry its o#r, .."o,rttts. 'This gives the buyer the -advantlse of a larger source of suppf, and yet allows him to designate the- particular mills- he rvants stock to come from' I\{ills *iit'-"nut"cture all grades of shingles from a 6-2 EXTRA +A* up to and includlng ROYALS'

It would appear that the shingle manufacturers have taken the lead^ in the marketing of their output, as this is the fourth organization of this kind to be formed this year' itt. tr"* tytti- has certainly shown its effect on the shinele market, as this is the first-year in the history of the busiiess that -shingle prices have shown a gradual advance, without a singlE deiline, thus enabling buyers to know that a month from now the price rvill not be lower, and may be a little higher.

A leading shingle manufacturer was heard to remark recently that-this nlew merchandising system which has had such-satisfactory results for the ihingle industry, might be worthy of the careful attention of the lumber manufacturers.

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Abcralccn Lrmber & Qhln3lc Cq:tAberdeen' Wash' Amcrlcan illU Oo, Ab€rale€n' waan.

Ilodrhn Lunber & thtrailq Oo.' Itoqulam' waEn' Proircr ltf,lu Oo- Prospsr, Ore.- Ervnoad Lumbcl Oo.' Raymond' wasn. - Cift-n-uti s-Jic r,unrier ob. Sou-th Bend, wash. rrulbcrt ilill Oo.' Abordoen' wasn. i-;wtt-ilm; &-iintir oo., South BentllWPsh.

J.-ii. l-i-itr Stlngte bo, Sbuth Bend, weEh'


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The book is ideal for manual training classes in thc echools. Interest the teacher and the boye in his claeses.

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