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National Retailers Urge Grademarking

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A long step forward in the grademarking of lumber was made'at Washington, D. C., this monttt, when The National Retail Lumber Dealers As$ciation in annual Convention, pasaed a resolution indoraing the grademarking of lumber, md urgrng all manufacturers of lumber to grademark their stock.

As a matter of fact the grademarking cam' pargn which the Soutfiern Pine Association has been conducting nationally among the lumber dealers, har met with far leas resistance than had been anticipated from that departrrent of the industry, md one after another the retail associations and districts have signified their approval of the proposition.

It means protection for the conEumerr Protection for the dealer, and protection for tfre producer. Lookins at it in a business way, everyone is benefited and no one who is ehoot' ing squarely, is hurt by the $ademarking of lumber.

An Idea That May Save You Money

A l6-page, 9x12 booklet, catalog-or house magazine tinder the new postal rates, requites Il cents postage'-

Yet the postage c;n a Z4-page, 6x9 catalog, booklet, or house magazine is onlY I cent.

The 24]page booklet requires one-third less paper.

By proper handling, the -6x9 can usually be made. as effective aJ the 9x12, and you will save on paper and postage'

Vice Versa

"Tell me, Doctor, does bleaching the hair really cause softening of the brain?"

"No, Madam ! It's the other way around."


Chas. Garrison, Two Rocks Commercial Co., Two Rocks, was a recent San Francisco visitor, where he spent a feitr days calling on the lumber trade. He reports that lumber deinand in 1is district has been good this year and that hb looks forward to even a better demand during the fall months.


Arthur Hayward, well-known and popular manager o the Homer T. Hayward Lumber Co., who operate several retail lumber yards in Central California, is getting to be an expert duck hunter and reports that he has been getting hij share this year. He recently returned from a huntin!' trip to Guistine and vicinity with Harry Bell and, as usual, brought home the limit catch.

Touring United States In House On Wheels

Structure of Laminex Plywood on Chevrolet Foundation

This is the house r'r'ithout a lot, and no garage. W. C. Meeker and wife live in it. work in it, and travel in it ail over the map. \\Ii:en asliect rr lre "ltuts up" at a garage overnight, Meeker said, "You don't cover your house with a tent at night or rvhen it rains, do you? This is out home. It is weather-proof." The walls are built of "Laminex" plywood, varnished in a natttral finish. The Lami-

Kiln Drying Douglas Fir

It has alread-v been demonstrated, through laboratory experiments and a number of full-scale commercial installations nou,' in continuous operation, that the use of correct methods of kiln drying Douglas fir results in a reduction in degrade with practically no additional operating cost. Estimates made by a number of lumbermen several years ago indicated an air-seasoning degrade of about 22rl per cent in No. 1 Common fir. Best present kiln practice l:mits the degrade to 5 to 10 per cent for both uppers and common.

Additional research is needed, however, to determine the variations in the results secured 'r,vith variations in the quality ancl kind of knots in common stock, so that cognizance of these can be taken in selecting the proper drying scheclule.

It is also desirable to develop a greater degree of refinement in the types of kilns used.

The Forest Products Laboratory desires to carry on the additional work on drying common stock in co-operation n'ith the Association and various individual mills, and the rvork on improvement in kiln types in co-operation with the kiln manufacturers. The rate of progress of this work, ancl consequently its availability to the average operator, clepends on the funds the Laboratory has .to work with.


e cdt**.gnd joined in such a manner that f;Lviatr\'the 1e5d for a heavy frame'.

5tr;u{.ith all equipment is only 1000 lbs. This ini stirye. and some plumbing. rucet with running lvater

The kitchen has a sink piped from a tank underned-th. Meekers are tottring the lJnited States selling adveitising

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