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and Port Orford Cedar ills, Marshfield, Oregon ing Plant - Bay Point
Annual Production 20O,O00,00O Feet oFFICES :'
Robert Dollar Bldg. 3ll California St.
Standard Oil Bldg., llhh and Hope Str.
-Member Calif ornia Reilwooil Association
Ofrce, 8lt6 Central Bldg.
Everything on the Miller is Designed "over-size"
'We are practical mill men and designed the Miller to meet the rough usage that we knew it would get under actual working conditions.
Just for example, study the arch construction and the strength of the legs of the Miller Carrier.
To our actual knowledge no wheel has ever broken off a Miller.
Takethemotor; it has 50% reserve power over the requirements of ordinary rough usage.
Take it point by point and you will find rugged workmanship throughout.
And consider in buying a carrier that it is not just the repair billsthat must be saved but the time lost and inconvenrence caused through delays that repairs cost.
HARSCH & lU[tER, Manufacturers
East Side Mill & Lurnber Co., Distributors