1 minute read
Schumacher Helps You Sell Wall Boaf,d.'l,
Have you dealers ever stopped to think of the many fine helps that manufacturers are offering constantly, merchandising material that they have had prepared and tested by experts, material that is invaluable to the retailer and that costs him not one cent. These things are offered selfishly if you like, the man who makes the goods of course makes more money if you sell more of them, but, he is also adding to your profits if he creates a consumer demand for his goods, and, more than that, he is lowering your sales costs. And that is a big thing to consider right norv.
The Schumacher Wall Board Corporation, a Los Angeles institution, started right in Los Angeles many years ago by John A. Schumacher, the man who holds many basic pitdnts for the manufacture of composition board aid who is responsible for the marvelous growth of this company that now extends its operations into practically every state in the union, has developed some remarkably effective material along the lines of dealer helps.
One is pictured herewith. They have scattered a large number of these road signs throughout the state, along the most prominent highways. The signs are 10x50 in size, are attractively colored, and without doubt are a valuable help to the dealer conducting his Building Material Store in the vicinity.
Then they publish a monthly pamphlet called "The Schumacher Monthly." It is edited by Mr. Earl Schmidt, Sales Manager for the company, and each month contains a world of valuable information for their agents. They pub- lish a column of "Sales Suggestions," offer illustrations of the sample wall board advertisements that they will furnish the dealer without charge, print letters from dealers rvho have had pleasing experience with Schumacher Wall Board, and, taken as a whole, the sheet is well worth the time of the dealer who receives it. If you are not receiving the pamphlet regularly, we suggest that you drop a line to Mr. Schmidt, asking to be put on their regular mailing list.
Then of course they have a world of other valuable helps that all go to make their merchandising proposition an ittractive one to the dealer.
fnsert folders, blotters and such material. Not the least of their material is the sample advertisement folder that they have had prepared. They furnish the dealer with the copy for a newspaper advertisement, made up into the proper size, furnish the necessary cuts, without charge and will assist him in the preparation of the copy to insure the greatest possible return.
It is really an inspiration to consider all of the things that this company does do for its dealers customers.