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ttPaul Bunyants Veneers CALIFORNIA WHITE PINE

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CALIFORNIA WHITE PINE has peculiar advantages that appeal to all users of ply-woods. Interiors with panelled walls and ceilings can be installed at a very low cost. At the sanne time the beauty of "PAUL BUNYAN'S VE NEER PANELS" is welcomed by architects for installations where the best is used regardless of cost. The California White Pine sur' face, adaptable to all kinds of stains and enamels, with the rich grain patterns developed by rotary cutting bring a new beauty to panelled walls and doors.

MANUFACTURERS: 'For doors and mill work, drawer bottoms, furniture backs, trunks and cases, light shelving, kitchen cabinets and built-in features, "PAUL BUNYAN'S VENEERS OF CALIFORNIA WHITE PINE'' bring you new economies and a superior product.

California White Pine Veneers do not check. The surface is naturally smooth and has a uni' form texture. It sands easily without develop' ing ridges or fuzzy streaks.

SAMPLES AND QUOTATIONS will be submitted upon your inquiry. Lose no time in lining up with this new product and service..

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