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Manufacturere of thc famous Hipolito Screen Doorc and \l/indow Screenr
2let and Alameda Sts. - Los Angeleq Cal. Phone WEstmore 6131
Every Retailer Should Have Long-Bell "Book of Lawn Fufniture"
Hundreds and hundreds of times'in these editorial columns we have said to the asp-iring and'ambitious lumber merchant rvho is trying to CREATE business: "Sell them lawn furniture in the spring and summer months."
But the difficulty of telling them whpre'to-get. plans and ideas for such furniture, so that they.'could visualize it to the:r trade-sell them through the. eyes-was: an ahvays present one.
[-Tp to this time there has never been'ih. existence, so far as we know, a comprehensive book,on. lhwn furniture of enough scope and character to be of material assistance to a lrrmber merchant in selling such stuff to,his trade. There have been small sources of such supply, but they have been very limited.
Norv comes the merchandising department of The LongBell Lumber Company. at Kansas City. with a book that clelights the eye of the building merchant,-"The Book of I-arvn Furniture." It is 36 p-ages ancl cover, handsomely printed, and illustrated with exactly 90 pictures of lau'n furnitrrre of beaut_v. practicability a:rd generous variety. With this in his hands any lumber merchant anywhere can sell a wide variety of larvn futniture to a big list of people, rvithout duplication. There are fences, pergolas, screens, gates, chairs, seats, corners. garages, swings, playhouses, lattices, ornaments, arches, entrances, arbors entire sets, complete gardens, lawns, tree-seats, etc.
It should be prominently on the plan table of every retailer who merchandises.
Seattle Millwork Manufacturer Installing Dry Kilns
Nordquist & Nelson, Inc., of Seattle are building two fire-proof tile and concrete dry kilns 1l ft.x84 ft. These kilns are of progressive type, fully equipped and modern in every detail.
Automobile temperature and humidity control will be obtained by use of Foxboro Recorder-Controllers. Other features are fire-proof doors built of asbestos protected metal and dry kiln trucks having Alemite pressure lubricating system.
The kilns vvere designed and equipped by Moore Dry Kiln Company, North Portland, Oregon, and will be used for drving fir, and American and Philippine hardwoods. Nordquist & Nelson, Inc., manufacture hardwood trirn and fixtures for banks and office buildings, besides their general millwork business.
NIr. Richard G. Kimbell, architectural engineer for the National Lumlter ^Manuiacturers Associat on, Washing- ton, D. C., was a coast visitor in October.
He attended a meeting of Building Department officials, at Seattle, and visited San Francisco and Los Angeles on his rvay home.
Mr. H. G. Larrick, proprietor of the Solano Beach Lumber Company was operated on for appendicitis on the fifth of October. He is recovering rapidly at the La Jolla Sanitarium.