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West Coast Association Will Spend $475,000 Annually For Three years

At its regular monthly meeting helcl at Tacoma, October 16, The West Coast Lumbermen's Association decided to conduct a national advertising campaign costing $475,000 a year and extending over a period of three years, for the purpose of bringing to the attention of the entire country the advantages of Pacific Coast lumber and forest products. Support for this campaign is to be voluntary, but it was stated that $100,000 a year was already in sight. The basis for contribution will be 5 cents per 1000 feet. and it is confidently expected that the full imount will be subscribed without great difficulty when the plan is made generally known.

The plan was presented to the association'by J. D. Tei-nant, vice-president and manager of the Long-Bell Lumber Company, and also chairman of the special trade promotion committee. The other members of the committee are: Major Everett G. Griggs, president of the St. Paul & Tacoma Lumber Co., Tacoma; Chas. S. Keith, president , Central Coal & Coke Co., Kansas City; Charles R. McCormick, San Francisco; F. R. Titcomb, Snoqualmie Falls, Wash.; and C. D. Johnson, Portland, Oregon.

In his talk Mr. Tennant said that the proposal to spend 5 cents per 1000 feet of lumber produced was very moderate when compared to the appropriation of the Southern Cypress manufacturers of 50 cents per 1000 feet, and the Southern Pine expenditure of 10 cents per 1000 feet.

According to the plan $250,000 per year will be spent in newspaper and periodical space. The campaign will be carefully and scientifically organized. A large force of salesmen will be maintained in the field to lecture upon the uses of \A'est Coast woods, and to interest architects, builders and material men in Northwest timber products. Dealers' helps will be supplied and it is believed that large additional sums will be spent by the retailers to back up the association's campaign.

The association also went on record as being in favor of abandoning the federal capital stock tax, and will memorialize Congress to abandon this tax, and will also ask all other commercial organizations of the Pacific Coast to join in the action.

E. D. Kingsley, Portland, Oregon, president of the association presided over the meeting, which was well attended.

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