4 minute read
The Weak Link
In Your "Profits" Chain
No chain, says the old proverb, is stronger than its weakest link.
No mill can show a strong record of profits if one department is operated at unnecessary expense. In many mills the yard is the weak link in the "profits" chain. Modern methods and modern machines are employed in every department of the mill itself ; in the yard there is no machinery and the methods are ancient and wasteful.
The HILKE LUMBER PILER brings efficiency to your yard and effects numerous savings in labor, time, expense and damage to lumber the estimation of Metropolitan authorities, wood the best possible building medium.
Several traveling cranes will be installed, for electrical equipment around the stage, and heavy ties and scentrv.
Report Long-Bell Acquires Hardwood Mill
offered hoisting proPer-
A report from Pine Bluff Arkansas, quoting Mr. R. Carnahan, states that the Long-Bell Lumber eompany has p_urchased the Superior Oak Flooring Co's holdings at Helena, Arkansas.
The Superior Oak Flooring Company has been in business about three years and is very well known for their "Superior" Brand product.
This will make three flooring plants owned by the Long- Bell interests.
. Four new dry kilns of Moore's Moist Air Charge are being bujlt by the Cobbs-Mitchell Company, ValJetz, Oregon. These kilns will be equipped with automatic temperature and humidity controls; also have Moore's Multip_le Heating system. The new kilns will be completed by the latter part of October.
Expect Aberdeen Strike Settled Soon
, Aberdeen, Wash., October 17.-It is hoped that the lumber mill strike which has closed five plants will be settled soon. As a result of the strike 1400 men are out of work, and lumber production has been cut about 1,500,000 feet per day.
Vhat the Disc Flead Has to Do Vith Iarger Oak Flooring Sales
Aa artide or comodiia,superlatively goo4 is aertain to be spokne oI in:the.hiihest terms by the purchaser and in turn,by his acquaihtances who catch hie enthusim and sharc his admiration Frm this point on, it is a matter. of ateadily increasing good w'Iil, demand and sahs.
The disc head machine ae employed in our manulac. turing operation is one oI the well-coaeidetedadvanced Eethods which play an important patt in producing the superlative merits of
?l/|*ncncdE Firlrp;r'
So warmly admircd by buildere. oqmers aad dealers,.ftm:oa:t o coaet. Th! principle ol edge lecdiag, upo wbich tliia rrre$iae is. de.. signed, is scientifically corr*t [n pracice iris accurate b thc fineat fraction. Iv[oreovcr, it produces a finiehed oak llooriog tre frm bit marks atrd with a surlace that is dl but polished.
Cobiad with thig perlect machine nrorh in "Superic Btaad" ie comistent unitorn color and tocture which hold'true tboughout zucceesive sbipm.ent*
We'[ b€ glad to give you lurther enlightening facte in our special Iree bolclet Ior dealers. Write lor it now, submitting yorr oak flooring schedule lor quotation at the same time.
Sllay we qtote 6, youl. nel,t carload?
Klamath Falls produced, this year, more than 300,000,000 board feet of lumber, and by virtue of that accomplishment claims to be the world's champion in the manufacture of white pine lumber, a title won from Laurel, Mississippi. The payroll of Klamath County mills is close to $1,000,000 monthly, u'ith but few mills operating at , caPacitY'
The Stockton Chamber of Commerce announces the purchase of a S-acre tract by Klamath Falls lumbermen, for the establishment of a lumber products plant. Equipment has already been ordered and it is expected that the new plant will be operating by November the 15th.
The K. C. Lumber ..rrinrl,.J of Klamath are planning to continue logging operations all winter, while the McCollum mill on the Ashland-Klamath highway, after a season's cut of about one-half million feet. will close October 15th.
Diamond Springs, El Dorado Co.
A big demand for box shook and finished mill products is keeping the California Door Company busy in all departments. 200 men are at work in the loggihg camps at Caldor in an effort to filI the ten-acte, li:g pond before the camps close.
Whitmore, Shastar Cq,
The saw mill of Thatcher Brothers has shut down for the year. Their cut for the year was^approximately 400,000 feet, and they are now hauling first grade lumber to Redding, a distance of 37 miles, for shipment to eastern markets.
Heavy sto-rms have impeded logging operations in this district, and a number of camps have been closed down. The late season's cut will be hauled when the roads are fuozen solid, and at present trucks are running day and night. Over a hundred thousand feet of lumber is being delivered to the local box factory and to the Nevada-California-Oregon Railway for shipment.
Oakland Lumber Concerns Participating In Industrial Flower Parade
At a recent meeting of the San Francisco Advertising Club, which was designated as "Oakland D^y," one of the features of the meeting rvas the Industrial ,Flower Parade, in which some of the East Bay lumber concerns partici- pated. The Strable l{ardwood Co. was represented by Miss Klein, Chicago Lumber Co. by Miss Hay, and the Tilden Lumber & Mill Co. by MissoSenstrom.
George B. Weatherby, who has been associated with the lumber business in California and the Northwest for a long period, is now connected with the San Francisco office of the Dimmick Lumber Co. and will assist A. A. (Bert) Dimmick in their sales department. He was formerly with the C&O Lumber Co. at Brookings, Oregon.
Austin Black Addresses San Francisco Advertising Club
At a largely attended meeting of the San Francisco Advertising Club, held at the Palace Hotel on Wednesday, October 21, Austin Black, advertising manager of the California White and Sugar Pine Manufacturer's' Association, was the speakbr of the day. H'e spoke on "How Advertising Has Been the Biggest Factor in Improvement of American Homes."