3 minute read
San Francirco Omce: Merchantr Exchange Bldg.
S. M. Hauptrnan, Gen. Mgr., Phone SUtter 6126
Lor Angeler Office: Petroleum Securitier Bldg.
Clint Laughlin, Dirtrict Managcr . Phone PRorpect 27llil
W. R. Cbubcrltn & Co. ..,...Su Frocim md Lo An3clc
Donovan Lmbcr Co. ...,......San Fnncim and ls Aryclcl
Eagtern & Wcrteni Lunbcr Co,.....................Port|and ud Su Fnn-circo
Jamer L. Hall .......,,... .,......Su Frucis
J. C. Hmiltm Box & Lmber Co. ....,........ .San Fmdro
Hammond Lumber Co. .....,..San Frocbo and Lc An3cla
J. R. Hanify Co. .,..,........ ..SalFnndrcoudl.cAn3clc
Hart-Wod Lunbcr Co. ......,..Su Fnrctrco
A. B. Johncon Lumber Co. ,..,.San Frarci*o
C. D. Johnmn Lumber Co. ....San FrancLco md Lo An3clcr
Alvin N. Lofgren ....,...3m Fnndp
MacDould & Hanington ,,,..Srn Frucbco end La Angclo
A. F. Mabony Lumbcr Co. ......Sm FnncLco
Char. R. McCormick Lumber Co. ..............,Sa4 Fmcbco end Ic Angclo
McCqmick Supply Co. .....,..!Lr Fmciro and Loc Angclr
W. J. Mu[igan & Co. ..............,......,..,,.San Fnnicrco and Lo An3clcr
Charlcr Nelem Co. SuFnncbcoandluAngclcr
Prramino Lumber Co. , .Srn Fnndo
Sanla Fc Lumber Co. ....,...San Francirco and Lo Angelcr
Suddcn & Chrirtcnm ,.. .San Fnnci*o and Lo An3clct
Trower Lumber Co. ..,,.,...,-.. .................San Francis
Wendllnt-Nrtban Co. ...........................Su Fnnchco and Lc Anlr'
R. O. Wllron & Son .......... ,. Su Fruclro
Wilon Bru. & Co. .....,... ..San Fnnci*o and Lc Angelcr
E. K. Wod Lumber Co. .....San Fnncirornd Lc An3cla
Hlll & Morto, Inc. .......O.t1ua
Pyramid Lumber Salcr Cc .,.,...,..,......Oakhnd
Bladcl-Dmovrn Lunbcr Millr ...I.c An3clo
Bookrtavcr-Buru Lunbcr Co. ...LcAn3elc
Broo&r Lmbcr Ce. .,La Alrclrr
Grippcr & Hagliad .....,. ......,.Ir Arid-
Kqclrhotf-Cuacr Lumber €o. .,.......... .........Ic Anfclo hme-Phillpe Lmbcr Co. ...,f.a Argd..
Patten-Blhn Lumbcr Co ,.,......Lc Angclo
E. L Rclts Cmpuy .............Lc Ar3dr
San Pcdre Lumbcr Co .......,.,..Ia A4do
Schafcr Bn. Lumbcr & Shinglc Co. ....: .....,Su Frocis ud Lc Arydcr
Tacmr Lumbcr Sala Ajcncy ..,..,,..Tacou ud Lo AriCor
F?:"fiiiffi d;;; il'
E. U- Wh.dc} ...ta fger
If Life Were But A Day
If all that we could know of life Need be but for a day, If life were really one day long, Vt/e'd make that one day gay; \i[/e'd never take tfie time to frown To worry, or to sigh, We'd get the good we could from life Before the day went by.
Some fowers grow that open wide At dawn to bloom'til night; They keep their faces to the sun Reflect its beaming light; They shed their beauty-perfume sweet On all who pass their way, And all they ever know of life Is but a single day.
Really we've but today to live, The present mornent's all; Tomorrow never seems to come, It e'er eludes our call. 'We need to get the good we can From all today can give, So let's resolve that we today Will love, rejoice, and live.
By Josephine Anderson, Augusta, Ga.
"After stumbling around looking for contentment for years, I suddenly learned that you cannot find it by hunting furiously for it. Happiness sneaks in through a door you didn't know you had left open."
A Recipe For Rum Omelette
Take two jiggers of Jamaica Rum or Bacardi Rum, I don't care which-you're eating the omelette. Drink one of the jiggers of Rum. Put four eggs in a bowl. Drink the ottrer jigg." of Rurn. Lick the stuffin' outa the eggs. Pour out two mo,re jiggers of Rum. Drink one. Put shum buzzher an' shalt and three shableshpoonfuls cream in eggs. Beat'em shum 'ore. Sherve'em right. Drink jigger Rum" Mix up eggs an' cream. Drink arnrrizzer jigge/r Rum. Shling eggs'nta alley. Who wansh omelette anyway?
The Village Service Station
By Arthur Guiterman
Fronting the highroad fair to see, the Service Station stands,
The Service Man is frank and free, his pleasant grin expands,
For bly.the is he whate'e,r may be the custom€rs dernands.
And he can beat the fender straight, or cleanse the car of mire,
Or feed the bearings all the oil that bearings should require,
Or fill with gas the reservoir, or patch the riven tire.
The little boys come in to watch and hear the hammer clank,
They love the smooth hydraulic lift, the crirnson petrol tank,
They'd rather run a place like this than operate a bank
Whether the engine wholly fails or goes with pants and jerks,
The Service Man is bound to find just where the trouble lurks;
He knows the motor's peevish moods and how the darn thing works.
For all the marvels you have wrought, I thank you, worthy friend,
Your hands achieve those miracles to which f can't pretend; That I shall buy those plugs that you so warmly recommend. Order