5 minute read
The New Plywood Salesman
Sales Cooperation being a regular PAMUDO Service, the Pacific Mutual Door Company of Tacoma, Washington, has produced, along with other effective advertising, a very attractive display rack of PAMUDO PLYWOOD. This sample rack, 9"x18" over all includes all standard thicknesses.
The photo shown below will give an idea of the ease with which a customer can select the thickness of plywood that will suit his particular purpose.
The Pacific Mutual Door Company asks that when thc dealers send in their next order that they request one of these new disolav racks.
C. G. Briggs, president of The Bdoth-Kelly Lumber Co., Eugene, Ore., recently made a .business trip to Cali. fornia by automobile. Mr. Briggs attended the annual convention of the California Retail Lumbermen's Associa= tion at Fresno, October 1lto 13, and from there went south to Bakersfield and Los Angeles. l
Buys Yard At Encinitas
N. E. Lentz, Iormerly with the Barr Lurnber Company at Santa Ana, has purchased the Lumber & Builders Supply Co. yard at Encinitas, Calif.. which he rvill operate under the name of the Encinitas Lumber Company.
Mr. Lentz has been .connected with the retail lunrber business in Southern California for a long period. He went to work for the late A. C. Bowers in the Griffith Lumber Co. yard at Santa Ana abour twenty years ago, continuing with the Barr Lumber Cornpany rvhen they purchased the yard. When he left the Barr Lumber Company, he was a director and treasurer of the company, and also had active charge of the operations of their Santa Ana yard.
Opens Yard At El Monte
N. Whitacre, Los Angeles retailer, has opened a retail lumber yard at 2ll2 Garvey Blvd., El Monte, which he will operate under the name of N. Whitacre, Inc. Mr. Whitacre also operates a yard at 1439 South Bonnie Beach, Los Angeles.
R. E. Seeley, Seattle geles visitor where he lumber trade.
Visits Los Angeles
lumberman, was a recent Los Anspent several days calling on the
Alfred G. Ifarms, 58, well known in Pacific Coast lumber and shipping circles, died at his home in San Francisco, October 15. of a stroke suffered three weeks before.
He was vice president of Pope & Talbot, and vice president of the McCormick Steamship Company. He had been connected with Pope & Talbot for about 40 years.
Mr. Harms was born in Pleasanton, Calif.
He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Josephine Claiborne Harms, five brothers and two sisters.
Dimension and Timbers From Small Trees
F. W. Enderly, Southern California retail lumberman, died at Los Angeles, October 14. lfe was connected with the lumber business in Southern California for over thirty years and at one time operated a number of retail yards.
He is survived by his wife, and one son, Richard Enderly, of Los Angeles. Funeral services were held at Los Angeles, October 17.
The Preservation Of Principal lV'as Never More Important Than NOW
For that reaoon more and more invertorr are turning a ""-- petent inveetment counsel. They appteciate the advantage of an unbiased source of guidance which truly trRepresentr tbe Buyer."
Brookmire has enjoyed a preeminent place in the field of eco.. nomic and financial counsel. Itc 3O yearu of uninterrupted rerv. ice has enabled it to go far beyond the ordinary t.market anatysist' in making recommendations. Our ata6 ic conatandy at work on the present and future problemr of induatry.
Such a cervice can be valuable to you. \Frite today for a deecrip. tion with latest reportc on the invegtment and burinesr outloot.
For Sale Or Lease
For sale or lease ideal location for lumber yard or any allied product, or light manufacturing. Lot 150 ft. front facing Slauson Avenue, and 400 ft. d6ep to three railroad services, near corner Avalon Boulevard -630 East Slauson, Los Angeles, Calif.
t-story building facing Slauson Avenue 75 ft. x 2ffi ft.; about one million people pass this location per month.
Call Mr. Greene at PRospect 3215.
54O Chamber of Commerce Building
Lumber Yard For Sale
At Los Gatos, California, to close estate. Communicate with J. H. Walsh, Los Gatos Lumber Co., Los Gatos.
Competition Of The Future
(Continued from Page 15)
In is my opinion that the viewpoint represented by Donald Richberg and the Administration is representative of the mildest form of control from above, that is, control by agencies of the government, that we are at all likely to g-t; and that it behooves every business man to not only give personal thought to and to take an active interest in ihb consideration of this problem, but to see to it that the organizations through which he voices his opinions take a cooperative.attitude with the position represented bv the Administration's view and endeavor to go along with them in the writing of future legislation, rather than to simply buck everything that is proposed. I feel certain that, if we either do nothing or just oppose t'hat is proposed, we shall get legislation much more difficult to work with, much more ristrictive and likely to result in much less real freedorn of competition and-real opportunity for profit from your exertions than will be the case by assuming a cooperative attitude and working along with the Administration.
I believe, and I trust that I have been able to get you gentlemen to see, that we make a great mistake in spending all of our energy looking at and condemning the faults and weaknesses that have developed under the present National Industrial Recovery Act; and that we should instead look back at the conditions that prevailed in the years before we had this legislation, at the chaos u'hich existed at that time, at the fervency with which we almost prayed for an opportunity for industry to be permitted to govern itself, to make its own rules and regulations and laws of competition; and having done that, to conclude that NRA has bien a real step forward, has been a truly constructive force in reorganizing business and bringing us out of the doldrums of the depression, and can be made a permanent force for good in the future by constructive cooperation with the Administration.
Osbeck Lumber Co., Encinitas, Calif., a hunting trip in Modoc County where fine five-point buck.
Young Lady Desires Position
EXPERIENCED LUMBER CLERK wants position as bookkeeper, comptometer operator or general office work -Los Angeles District preferred. Address Box C-524, California Lumber Merchant.
For Sale
Stock of lumber and hardware. This will bear the closest investigation. Location right in the heart of a fastgrowing section. In fact the fastest growing section in the U. S. Yard and buildings can be leased. Som'eone will pick this up very soon-so you must act quickly. Address Box C-521 California Lumber Merchant.
Salesman Wanted
Wanted-Wholesale Lumber Salesman for Bav District. Address Box C-525. California Lumber Merchant.
United support of commercial, civic and industrial leaders of Los Angeles was pledged to the $30,00O,000 selfliquidating home construction program which appears on the November ballot as Proposition No. 1 at a mass meeting at the Los Angeles State Building called by George L. Eastman, former president of the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce.
fn a resolution unanimously adopted the Citizens Committee urged all citizens of California to vote "yes" on Proposition No. 1 "to create employment, stimulate business and provide better homes for California veterans' families without cost to the taxpayers of this State."
Warren H. Atherton, former State Commander of the American Legion, outlined the successful thirteen-year Ifome Building Program for California Veterans which has helped to make 11,84O new home owners in California.
E. D. Kingsley, president of the West Oregon Lumber Co., Linnton, Ore., was recently in California, visiting his sales connections, Wendling-Nathan Company, San Francisco and Los Angeles, and E. U. Wheelock, Los Angeles.
Opens Los Angeles Yard
Hull Bros. Supply Co. has opened a retail .lumber yard at 8635 Melrose Ave., Los Angeles. They r,vill discontinue their branch which has been located at 7974 Melrose Ave. and will mdve their stocks of sash, doors, etc., to their new location. The company also operates the Hull Bros. Lumber Co. at Reseda, Calif..
Harry Hope Manages New Yard
Harry Hope, formerly with the Progressive Lumber Co., Livermore, is manager of the Pleasanton Lumber Co., Pleasanton, Earle Johnson, owner of the new yard, announces,