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Inspect Retail Lumber Plant
A group of lumbermen including members of .the sales department ofthe Hammond Lumber Company, San Francisco, some of the Hammond T,,umber Company retail yard managers and other retailers, reiently visited the Healdsburg Lumber Company where they inspected the plant as guests of the company. The accompanying photograph shows the party at the plant.
plant occupies 2l acres, and is situated at the intersection of U. S. Highway lO1 and a main cross-highway near the center of the town, on a spur track. Ten warehouses cover most of the stock. A well equipped planing mill occupies the center of the yard.
The visitors were particularly impressed with the order, cleanliness and fine appearance of the plant. Other features that impressed them were the location and arrangement of the yard, delivery service, accounting department, lumber stocks and the company's personnel. Their warehousing and sales service in paint, roofing, hardware, fuel and building materials were also closely studied.
The visitors were served iced California orange juice, and after several hours of interested inspection, they left for Eureka to visit the Hammond Lumber Company mill at Samoa.
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Co., Vatsonvillc; V. H. Enlow, nutnager, Hamond Lumber Co., Vatsonuille; George Malm, Malnr & Angle Lumber Co., Dos Palos; Geo. V. Corman, sales nutndger, Hamtnond Lum.ber Co., San Francisco; I. Dubrey, San Francisco Wrecking Co, Watsonuille; F. K. PeiJ, Hammond. Lurnber Co,, San Francisco; V. T. VaLlace, Hammond Lumber Co., Stockton.
Front Row (Lelt to Rieht)-Fred I. Miller, Ass't. Mgr., Healilsburg Lumber Co., Healdsburg; Lindlq D. Gilbert, presid,ent, Healdsburg Lumber Co., Healdsburg; R. D. Hume, Malm & Angle Lumber Co., Dos Palos; F. A. EgneU, Hammond, Lum.ber Co., San Francisco; C. L. Marsh, Hatnmond Lumber Co., Mad.era; I. D. Delarw, Hammond, Lumber Co., Mad,era; R. E. Caldwell, Hammond Lumber Co., San Francisco; C. Coonano Hdmmond Lumber Co., San Francisco.
This modern retail lumber yard is located in Heaidsburg, Sonoma County, Calif., a town of. 2,1ffi people. fhe
Miss Charlotte McGrath, daughter olMr. and Mrs. Warren F. McGrath of Beverly Hills, and Wayne Francis Mullin, son of Mrs. John F. Mullin of Los Angeles, were married Thursday evening, October 25, at the Wilshire Methodist Church, Los Angeles.
Miss McGrath is one of the popular members of the younger set in Southern California and is a former president of the Ebell Juniors. Mr. Mullin is secretary-treasurer of the Mullin Lumber Co., Los - Angeles; president of the Burbank Lumber Co., Burbank, and an official of the Jerome Lumber Co. and Prescott Lumber Co. yards in Arizona. He is a Stanford graduate and affiliated with Beta Theta Pi fraternity. His father, the late John F. Mullin, was a pioneer retail lumberman in Arizona and Southern California.
They will spend a month's honeymoon in Panama, and after their return will make their home in Los Angeles.