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Form PD-lx---Distributors' Application lor Pre]ercnce Rating
Lumber dealers who need priority assistance to purchase softwood lumber for use in important war and civilian construction may now apply to the War Production Board on Form PD-IX, WPB'S Distributors' Branch announced today.
Conservation Order M-208, rigidly controlling distribution and use of all types and grades of soft lumber, imposes restrictions on the extension of preference ratings for replacement of inventories. The Distributors' Branch will give consideration to applications filed on Form PD-IX by dealers whose inventories would be of direct service to the r,!/ar program.
Lumber dealers were cautioned by Distributors' Branch officials to read the softwood conservation order, as amended, before executing Form PD-IX, and were warned not to ask for priority assistance on purchase orders to which ratings may be applied within the restrictions of M-208. Any apparent duplication will require full explanation, and may retard the processing of an application.
The following instructions were issued to guide lumber dealers in executing their applications on Form PD-IX.
1. In "department" (upper right), write Softwood Lumber.
2. In Section II, (a) and (b), show figures for the department (softwood lumber) or total business (all lumber not including millwork and specialties) and indicate on form whether department or total.
3. In Section III (Columns A and B) it is not necessary to break down the sizes. Indicate the species, grade and whether timbers, dimension or boards. Footage instead of dollars should be shown in Columns A, C, D and E, and dollars in Column F.
4. Section IV is to be used for supplementary information which will assist in consideration of the distributor's participation in the war program. Applicant may show, in this section or in a supplementary letter, any additional information which he believes will aid in giving full consider- ation to his application. This information should include: a. Type or class of trade served (In some detail). b. An explanation where need is based on unusual demand. c. Figures to substantiate where need is based on seasonal demand. d. A statement of facilities available for remanufacture' e. A breakdown of shipments out of inventory during the previous 90 days on a dollar value or footage basis, indicating the percentage of total in the following classes: AAA f. A brief statement showing why preference ratings are needed to secure quantities and grades for which application is made.
Class 1-A4.1, AA-2, Class 2-AA-2 to AA-4, Class &-A-l-a to A-l-k, Class 4-A-2 or lower.
Distributors execute three copies, retaining the third one and sending the others to the Distributors' Branch, 'War Production Board, Temporary.Building E, Washington, D. C. If the application is approved, one copy of PD-IX will be returned to the applicant showing the quantity of materials authorized and the rating which may be applied. The distributor retains this form, and may apply the rating by endorsement in the manner prescribed.
Dick Pershing In Air Corps
R. S. (Dick) Pershing, until recently associated with Langford W. Smith, U. S. Wood Products Co., San Francisco, is now in the Army Air Corps at Stockton Field, Stockton, Calif. He is a ground officer rryith the rank of Lieutenant.
Lieutenant Pershing was for many years with the Red River Lumber Co., Westwood, Calif., and was for some time with the Insular Lumber Co., manufacturers of Philippine Mahogany.