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ciln0tATElt ztl{c Gilt0RtDE

Sell lumbcr thot ytelds o proft cnd lcetlag ectislcction. CZC, thc protccted lunber, is clcqr, odorlegs cmd pclntcble. It t8 temite dnd docay rosistcrd od lirc retcldinq. You cco scll tt lor F.H.A., U. S, Govemnent, lor Angeles e.tty cmd County od Unilora Builditq Code iobr, CZC tr€ctad luaber la stocted lor inncdiata rhip.crit iD coEtncr€idl liz€s st lonq Be_qch-@d Alcqedq. AsL obout our crchccrgc aervicc cmii Eill shipnelt pl(D.

G$lrrb S* ftrb. UE8T.G0|$ U00D PRESIRYIIIG C0.. $dtlr 6llt W. Filtl SL, Lor Argclor, Cclil., Phono Mlcllgqn @l33it lfontgoucry SL, Scrn Frcaclrco, Col., Phom DOuq[ar tSEl


We invite lumber dealcn to hke advcntage of our well assorted stoclcs of

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Los Angeles

655 Ea3t Florcnce Ave. Phone THomwall 3144

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