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16 Calilomia StreeL San Frcrncisco
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Snow Fencing, Corn Cribbing Brought Under Price Control
Doris Merithew, E. K. Wood Lumber Company, Los Angeles ..Navy
George Nelson, E. K. Wood Lumber Company, Los Angeles ..Navy
Lewis M. Osborne, E,. K. Wood Lumber Company, Los Angeles ..Navy
Ralph W. Winkelman, E. K. Wood Lumber Company, Los Angeles ..Army
Drew W. Stewart, E. K. Wood Lumber Company, Los Angeles .... Coast Guard
John Robinson, San Pedro Lumber Company, Los Angeles .. .Army Air Corps
E. G. Turner, San Pedro Lumber Company, Los Angeles .Navy
Marlin Hoffman, Glick Brothers Lumber Company, Los Angeles ..Army
Clarence Hughes, Glick Brothers Lumber Company, Los Angeles ..Army
Paul M. P. Merner, Merner Lumber Company, Palo Alto Army Air Corps
Joseph Catelli, Barg Lumber Company, San Francisco .... ,Army
Roy Stantotr, Jr., E. J. Stanton & Son, Los Angeles .. ... .Army Air Corps
R. J. "Bud" Weiser, Boorman Lumber Co., Oakland ......Navv
San Francisco, Oct. 23.-Snow fencing and four kinds of corn cribbing were brought under the OPA maximum price regulation covering wholesale and retail prices for fall and winter seasonal commodities, the regional OPA reported.
The action, taken through Amendment No. 4 to Regulation No. 210, covers roll corn cribbing, slat corn cribbing, combination wood and wire cribbing portable corn cribs.
In general, under Regulation 2I0, a seller determines his ceilings by finding his average cost of the article being priced and his current cost and adding to the lower of these costs the initial markup he took duringthe last six months of.194I.
Previously, the products covered by this Amendment were subject to the general maximum price regulation, which set ceilings at March levels. The Amendment is effective October 29.
David W. Wilkinson, of Los Angeles, and Miss Lee Robinson, of Hermosa Beach, rvere married at the St. Cross Episcopal Church, Ifermosa Beach, Saturday afternoon, October 10.
Mr. Wilkinson is the son of W. W. Wilkinson, Los Angeles wholesale lumberman, and is now in the Navy. Miss Robinson is the daughter of W. B. Robinson, of the Wesco Construction Co., of Los Angeles.