3 minute read
Strable llardwood Go.
2. As a practical means of instilling in the public mind a deeper interest in home building and a stronger desire for home ownership.
3. As an opportunity of presenting to the public reliable facts and figures relative to build,ing costs, types and designs, through an unbiased and unselfish chanrrel, that will result to the common good of all, ,and that this resolution be made operative through the personal activity of our Manager in conjunction w,ith regional and local secretarres.
RESOLVED: That this Convention of the California Retail Lum,bermen's Associatio,n commend,s the National Retail Lurnber Dealers Association for its constructive service to the industry as a whole and esoecially in connection with its activitiis in promoting uniform -methods of accounting which provides constant knowledge of the cost of doing business, and, in order to encouragei,the officers of the National Association in their good work, that we hereby authorize the board of directors to apply for 'membership in the National Association as soon as 'in their judgment it is deemed practicable to do so.
WHEREAS, There are two associat'ion;s of retail lumbermen organized and maintaining executive offices in California, and doing association, work of the same general character, for their members, and
WHEREAS, we bel,ieve that one organization could maintain a more efficient and serviceable organization, arid
WHEREAS, in matters of legislation and matters af{ecting the retail interests of the State in general, we bel,ieve that one strong association will be ,a greater power and exert a wider influence.
Facts On Oak Flooring
The highest quality Oah Flouins will meet these frve rcquitcmetds l. Ar lunbcr, lt will bc cut to thc proEcr tblckn63 whilc gren thus Glinimting cupping ud buckling. g. Madc on ttc latart typc dirc-hcad EatcbGtr to ttroducG thc highcrt pocible finlrh thue elininatlnl rll lrnlfc marka and rcducing eanding and rcreplng to th. ninlnm. l. Pcrfct ridc ud .nd natchinS,
2. Thorouchly a;r dried bcforc kiln dricd.
5. Thoroghly tceted ud chccked fd rupcriorlty bcforc rhippcd.
Superior Oak Ftooring, "America's Finest," meets thesc five requirements. Write for a free sample and convince yourself.
NOW THEREFORE; BE IT RESOLVED that the President of the CALIFORNIA RETAIL LUMB'ERMEN'S ASSOCIATION be authorized to appoint a Committee of Five to m€et with.the Directors of ihe SOUTH- ERN CALIFORNIA RETAIL LUMBER DEALERS ASSOCIATION on or hefore November I7th, 1923, and, extend to them a cordial invitation to take necessary steps to bring about an amalgamation of th,e said associations, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that provided this invitation is accepted by the Southern Califoinia Retail Lumber Dealers' Associatiqn, that the Board. of D,irectors of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association are herebv instructed to meet jointly with the Board of Directors of the Southern California Retail Lumber Dealers' Association to, work out and put into effect the punposes o,f thiS Resolutions, giving proper recognition to the .interests and representation of both of the existing organizations.
WHEREAS, it appears that an ordinance tq prevent the use of Wood, Shingles within the City lim,its of Los Angel-es is to be presented lto the City Council of Los Arqgeles, and
WHEREAS, the matter has been br,ought to the attention o,f the California Retail Lumbermen's, Convention, this day assem!,led, this Convention does hereby sincerely express its disapproval of such legislatio,n fo,r reasons- that such legislation is discriminatory and not based on sound economic fundamentals; that such le,gislation will materially increase the cost of home building, particularl/ increasing the cost of smaller type homeJ,and, at the iame time not proportionately decreasi,ng the fire hazard;
RESOLVED, that this Convention does hereby petition the honorable City Council of Los Angeles to refrain from passage of said Ordinance and BE ITFURTHER
605 Fife
San Francisco Phone D,tg. 3415
Our soft White Pine from the Feather River Canyon will meet your requirements for factory lumber and finish. Let us quote on your demands for the coming season.
Your inquiries and orders will receive our usual prompt attention if sent either to ourselves or to our Southern California representatives:
RESO'LVED that the President and Secretary of'the California Retail Lumbermen's Association be iistructed to present a gopy of these Resolutions to the City Council of Los Angeles.
RESOLVED, that we extend a vote of thanks to the Press and to the 'frade Journals for the publicity given the Convention and for the-ir splendid co-operation- ii making' this annual meeting such a success.
RESOLVED, That this Convention express its keen ap- preciation of the courtesies and co-operati,on of the varioris exhibitors who have contributed so much, to thq success of the California Retail Lumbermen's Convention by the very creditable exhibits installed.
The Convention Assembled thereupon passed a vote of thanks to the Resolution Committee Tor the efficient manner in which they had handled matters referred, to them for action.
BE IT RESOLVED that the Annual Convention of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association in session this day, October 27th, 1923, at San $rancisco, herebv heartily endorses the stand taken by President Calvin Coblidge, on necessity for law enforcem,ent throughout the United States-
RESOLVED that the members of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association at this Convention hereby express, by a rising vote, their appreciationl to President pinkerton, for his untiring worli duning the past year, rapd promise him their helpful co-operati-on, during ih" .n.uing year.
RESOLVED that this Convention express its apprecia- t'ion of the unselfish service performed by the entire membership of the Board of Directors who have labored \4'ithout compensation, as well as paying their own expenges to attend meetings for the general good of the inddstry