2 minute read
Thia epace is at your service for want and for sale advertising. Advertisements for help, for employment or for sale can be run in reading form. The rate on thic advertising will be $2.50 per column inch.
Machinery For Sale
Moving Planing Mill and installing new equipment. Offer following machines all now in use and in good working order:
One 26'Traveling Bed Single Head Planer, double belt drive, doing good work. ....$+SO.OO
O,ne 12" Powers Jointer, vdry good shape...$350.00
One Ronrley & Hermance Self Feed Rip Saw to 18", running good. ....$300.00
One 10" Halliday Sticker l?i' Top Hd. doing very good work. ....$450.00
One Crescent Boring Morticer Machine "Vertical," very good shapc. .....$250.00
..Onc Towsley RR Cut off and Framc Saw 36x42, very good shapc ..$400.00
One Porter Round Head 6" Jo,inter, very good shape ..$250.00
Reply to tlre Santa Barbara Lumber Cornpany, Santa Barbara, California
Lumber Salesman Wanted
Want salesrnam with loaarl experience. Fbr interview, call the Wcst Adams Lumber Company, 3330 Wcat 36th St" Los Angeles. Telephone, 760.543.
Mill Man Wants Position
Thoroughly experienced lumberman desires to locate position. Has had 35 years experience in the western game. Practical in all lines. Prefers work ,in the manufacturing end, or as a yard forema,n, etc. Address, Box 57, care California Lumber Merchant.
TION.-Thirteen years experience with large Liverpool firm. Highest references. Address: Box, A T F, Care California Lumber Merchant.
Hrvc Buycn Weitiag. DO YOU WANT TO BUY?
Hevc aood pryiag yard, good locrtion ir Lor Anjclo. SEE L M. MEYER
3ll0 Chrprnen Buildin3, Lor Angclcr For Appolntrrant Cell 824-912
Position as nxanager or assistant manager in retail lumber yard in or near Los Angeles; 44 years of age, 25 years experience in the retail game, 20 years of this time. in Southern Cal.ifornia operating own line yards. Might consider buying yard or interest in one. Best of reference given" Write, Box 74, care California Lumber Merchant.
Yard For Sale
Retail lumber yard, 4O miles from, Los Angeles; $15,0m.0O will handle. Address, Box 84, caqe California Lumber Merchant.
Wholesale Salesman Wanted
Wanted: Wholesale lumberman experienced in White Pine, and Fir, to travel Arizona. Want right man who can produce. References and experience in letter, to Box 4{, care California Lumber Merchant.
Wants To Buy Yard
WANTED: One first class going lumber yard with good territory in town of 3,000 people or more where living conditions and schools are goocl. Reply, Box 11. care California Lumber Merchant.
Does It Pay?
Rcad the following letter, ,received tbe otter day, and make your own decirion. An iruc of the California Lurber Merchant ri: monttrs old, still bringing anrwerr to e want ad' You can use this pase ib advantage' Faii oaks, carif., october 3, lgz3.
I read a copy of your paper today, issue of APRIL FIRST, and eaw the advertisement A B C, care your paper. Pleaae get me particularq etc.
Fairoakg, Calif.