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Important Chan€es In California Shipping
The following letter has been sent out by The Southern Pacific Company, to rail shippers of California. t'Gentlcmen:
Owing to the large number of cars of forest products which are being consigned to Sacramento for diversion purposes and the failure of shippers to furnish prompt diversion instructions is resulting in serious delay to equipment and badly congesting our Sacramento yard.
The congestion has reached a point where our Operating Department requests that an embargo be placed on consignment of cars of forest products in order to relieve thc situation. However, rather than discontinue the diversion priviledge which we recognize is quite im,portant to you, it has been decided that the diversion point ,be changed from Sacramento to Gerber, at which point we have more ample facilities. You,appreciate that Sacramento is the Gateway for all East and Westbound traffitc, and coagestion at that point is a serious meha,ce to, the general movement of business.
Instructions are being given Agents to decline to accept shipments billed to Sacramento for diversion purposes, and trust we may have your immediate co-operation to the end that:-first, that whatever instructions you now have out tq your shippers will be rnodified so as fo provide for Gerber as the hold point, and:-second, that you will please make every effort to furnish more prompt diversion instructions, this being decidedly essential to more efficient handling of equipment, which at this time of the year is an extremely important matter,
We regret to find it necessary to take this action. However. it is brought about through the large number of consignment cars, held indefinitely before diversion, instructions are placed.
Would thank you to give this matter your earnest and prompt attention.
Yours truly,
Southern Pacific Cn
Signed: J. H. Mulchay"
Walter Ball, of J. R. Hanify & Co., Sanf Francisco, has returned after a two weeks' business trip to Washington and Oregon. While in the north, he v,isited the company's mills at Raymond, Washingtoni and other lumber districts of the northwest. He made the trip by automobile.
It is reported that the Harbor Commiss,ion is seriously considering the erection of a lumber wharf, to accommodate four or five vessels, at Long Beach. Tlackage would provide to facilitate the quick handling of the boats, and this wharf would be for the exclusiv€ use of lu,mber bodts. Capt. S. S. Sandberg, po,rt traffic manager for Long Beach has expressed himself as being enthusiastic over this matter, saying that it would without a doubt relieve the congestions that occur at San Fedro.