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ilillion Feet
of rare Philippine hardwoods are always on hand at our L,ong Beach yard . no matter how large the order, this provides a wonderful assortment to choose from for immediate delivery! *, t-
Bagac lDoors
A new line of semi-stock doors for interior and exterior architecturally designed perfect in proportion and moulding details and executed in genuine BAGAC lumber, a hard, dense-textured wood offering an unusual variety of beautiful grains and textures.
Vrite or phone for information concerning designs, sizes and SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY PRICES!
EHIND our registered rade names, "BAGAC" "BATAAN" and "LAMAO", are unlimited sources of supply and all the facilities that assure the utmost in Philippine hardwoods our own Luzon concessions in the northern' most part of the Islands . our own sawmills our own experts to sort, select and match the beautifully grained woods for fooring, door panels, furniture and similar uses.
In this way the Cadwallader-Gibson Company, Inc., goes halfway 'round the world to supply the Pacific Coast with the finest of Philippine hardwoods.

J. E. MARTIN Maulbll Edttc