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.for eahJornia
I)esigned by Californians for Californiansa Long-Bell door rvorthy of a place in any California home, large or small. From timber grown high up on the slopes of Mount Shasta it comes to serve in a useful way many thousands of home builders. It has these important adYantages:
3-ply veneered panel.
Veneered Stiles (builtup cores) , 5/z in. wide.
Top Rail, 5% in. wide.
Bottom Rail, 1l3A in. lvide.
Stiuare stuck with corners and edges rounded.
Waterproof glue.
Hards'ood dos'els.
Will not \^/arp.
Takes paint, enamel and stains perfectly.
Costs less to fit, mortise and hang than doors of other woods.
Pledged to good service.
A door to be welcomed widely a door to be sold widely . a door, because of its ad\/antages, readilv recogni2ed, to be sold profitably!
A C alif ornia Produ.ct I or C alil ornians
I-O\G BUiI. l)ING LtLntbcrtrrcn Sincc 7875 I{ANSA
Douglas Fir Lumber, Timbers, Door atrd \Virrrlow Frames, Trimpak; Western Ilenrlock Lrrmber ; Westerl Red Cedar Siding and Shingles; Sortthertr Pine Lumlrer and Timbers; Southern I{ardwoocl I-umber, Timbers, irntl 'I'rimpak; Oak Flooring. "CELLiud. Oak Flooring Strips, *CELI-i:ed Oak Floor Planks; *CELLi;ed Oak Floor Blocks, California \A'hite Pine I-umber. Sash and Doors. Box Shooks; (lreosotecl Southertr Pine Lumber, Tinrbets, Posts, Poles.'Iies, Grrarrl-llail Posts, I)iling. Los ,1ngclt.s Di-ttrict Of Iicc: 627 l)tlrolctrrtt .tr't rrrilics Btildittg l' ltonc : Il/ E.st rtto rc 8468