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State Retailers' Annual Convention
(Continued from Page 32) president, but his name was withdrawn at his desire, expressed through Paul Hallingby, as he felt physically unable to undertake the work in the coming year.
The following were named by the president as a Budget Committee: Paul Hallingby, chairman, W. B. Vanderwood and Walter Spicer.
At the suggestion of Matt llarris, San Francisco. it was decided to form a Credit Committee for the purpose of change forestry professor at the University of California. t'ntertainYnent was pr'o1ided, by Harry Kane ("14"""1,
Chairman Roth introduced Al Frost of San Diego, Supreme Arcanoper of the Order.
B. E. Bryan, Strable Hardwood Co., Oakland, president of the Oakland Hoo H.oo Club, No. 39, in a short talk expressed himself as being very much in sympathy with association work.
Group of Retail Lumbermen
rendering assistance in the formation of credit bureaus in communities which do not already have such bureaus. It was the unanimous belief of those present that this new service of the association will be a big step forward, in the matter of stabilization of credits. i
Fntertainmbnt Features Hoo Hoo Luncheon
Atteridance at the Hoo Hoo convention luncheon of Hoo Hoo Club No. 9, held in the French Room of the Palace Hotel, Thursday noon, numbered 180.
President Eddie Peggs, W. R. Chamberlin & Co., presided, and Fred Roth, of J. H. McCallum, rvas chairman of the day.
John H. McCallum, well known San Francisco lumberman, welcomed visiting lumbermen in behalf of San Francisco dealers, in a characteristic speech.
President Harry Lake of the State Association responded for the visitors.
Harry White, .of White Brothers, San Francisco, introduced Prof. A. B. Recknagel of Cornell University, ex-
Bonestel A. A. Frost I. C. Ellis Who Attended Convention ,;
Eugene Edward Hawes (Pedro Gonziles), I6ene La Valle, and Abraham Bloom, well known artists from radio station KFRC. Bloom was master of ceremonies.
Ladies' Entertainrnent lspecial entertainment features provi'ded for the visiting ladies included a bridge luncheon at noon dn Thursday, a sightseeing tour of San Francisco, Thursday afterncion, and a theatre party on Friday afternoon.
The Banquet
The annual banquet and dance was held Friday evening in the Gold Ballroom of the Palace Hotel. A splendid orchestra was provided, and several first-class singing and dancing numbers were given during the dinner hour. Dancing continued until midnight. About 250 attended. The attendance prizes were drawn for by Matt Harris and Elmore King. Ladies' prizes were won by Mrs. J. A. Handley, Carmel, and Mrs. C. E. Bonestel, Ventura, and the
(Continued on Page 43)