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.for eahJornia

.for eahJornia

n'E#nffs3$* LUM BE R ME RCHANT


Su Frandrco Covcre Nrthem Callf. and P*lfie Nortlwcrt hcrPmtcd udcr thc bvr of Callfonh J. Q. Dlornc, Pnr. ard Tm.; J. E. Msdn, Vle'Pree.; A C. Mmnoaa' Jr.' Spcy. PubHlh.d the lrt ud l5tl oI ach m|b et 3lt-lt-20 Catnl Bulldbg, lOt W.!.t Sb:th Strccl ls Argelo+ CrL, Tclaphoe' VAndllq l5l5 Elt ttd er Sccod-clu Elttcr Septembcr 6, lgz2. at thc Pctofilcc at lc Aagclar, Cdlfmla, under Act of March $ rt?r'

Subrcription Pricc, $2.|Xl pcr Ycar Singlc Copier, 25 ccntr cach. LOS ANGELES, CAL., NOVEMBER I5. I929 Advcrtiring

How Lumber Looks

Douglar Fir:-J!s Cdifornia market ohowr no change and the demand continuer light Clearr, particularly vertical grafrr, arc rtrong. Vertical grain f,ooring ir rcarce. Ricec remain about t[e rarne.

The millc report a good demand for cutting and the market for rough green clean, botfr for intercoartd and ex. port ehiprnentr, is Sood. Two millr on Grayr Harbor are down and two more are expec{ed to clore within a few dayr.

Unrold rtocke at San Pedro have been reduced over a half million feet d'uring the part rveeh; unrold stocks et thir port on Novembcr 13 totaled 14,08O'(X)0 feet. 36 lumber veseels are laid up; four veuelr which have a total tonnage of nearly ten million feet are operating off-rhore.

Douglar Fir cargo arrivals at San Francirco for the month of October totaled 46r329roil) feet. Fir cargo arrivalc at San Pedro for the month totaled 79,269,00O feet.

Cdifornia White and Swar Pine pricer are firm end there is a good demand erpecially for the higher gradec. Redwood pricer are steady. Redwood cargo arTivah at San Francirco for October totaled l7roo2rfi)O feet. Red- wood cargo arrivalr at totaled 5,361,000 feet.

EA8!f tF*sE+AA

The current relationrhip of rhipmentr and orden t9 nro' duction for the fir* 44 weeks of 1929, according to the rc' port of tte National Lumber Manufacturers A$ociationt bered on reportr from the regional arociationr, ie ar followl: Wst C-oart Lumbermentr Areociation-Prod'ustion, 7r' 741,366 M feet; Shipmente, 7,728,035 M feet; Orden, 7'786,844 M feet.

California White and Sugar Pine-Production, 11237,' 102 M feet; Shipments, 11177,677 M feet; Orderr, 1'181" 515 M feet.

California Redwood Atlociation-Production, 330r97t M feet; Shipmentr, 333'?Og M feet; Orderr, 349'O1O M feet.

Souttern Pine Auociation-Production, 219531802 M feet; Shipmentsr 219741660 M feet; Orders, 2r9{d1r774 M feet.

Total Hardwoodsp1qdqs1isl, 212421720 M feet; Shipmentr, 2rl82r708 M feet; Ord'ers, 2rl8lr405 M feet.

Pacific Logging Congress Jack Rea With Chamberlin

Lewis H. Mills, Tidewater Timber Company, Portland, was elected president of the Pacific Logging Congress at their annual convention held in Seattle, October 23 to 26. Archibald Whisnant was re-elected secretary. Elected on the executive committee representing California and Arizona were:

California-A. S. Murphy, The Pacific Lumber Co., Scotia; T. E. Jackson, Fruit Growers' Supply Co., Susanville, and C. L. Mullen, Balfour Bldg., San Francisco.

Arizona-L B. Koch, Arizona Lumber & Timber Co., Flagstafi.

An innovation this year was that trvo separate Pine sessions were held, one on Wednesday and the other on Thursday afterno,on. Tom E. Jackson, of the Fruit Growers' Supply Co., Susanville, acted as chairman of one of the sessions. Ilerman Beauman, logging superintendent of the Fruit Growers' Supply Co., r'ead a paper on the subject of the fire protection of the new crop of trees. Professor Emanuel Fritz, ol the University of California forestry school, read a paper on "Time Studies."


Mark W. Lillard, Mark W. Lillard, Inc., Los Angeles, made a short business trip to San Diego the first part of the m.onth.

Jack Rea, well known Los Angeles wholesale lumberman, who for the past several months has been in business for himself, is again connected with the Los Angeles office of W. R. Chamberlin & Co. Prior to opening his own office, Mr. Rea representgd the company in Southern California.

J. D. Giles Visits Pacific Coast

J. D. Giles, vice-president of the Creo-Dipt Company, Inc., North Tonawanda, New York, has been spending the past few weeks on the Pacific Coast on a business trip. After spending several days in California where he conferred with Leo and Herman Rosenberg of the Hipolito Company, Los Angeles, and A. J. Russell of the Santa Fe Lumber Co., San Francisco, their California representatives, he left for Seattle to inspect their new modern staining plant which will be ready for operation by December l. Perry Dame, San Francisco, western sales manager for the Creo-Dipt Company, Inc., who was on a business trip to the company's home office accompanied Mr. Giles to the Pacific Coast. Wm. A. Giles of Pittsburgh, Pa. rvas also a member of the party.

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