1 minute read
f-)neLERS like to handle Sisalkraft. It is aqualiry IJ product and the same fine qualities which appeal to them as good merchants appeal to theirbest customers. Every part of Sisalkralt is high grade. The waterproof asphalt is not reduced by chemicals and it will not dry out or become brittle. The reenlorcing fi"bres are long |ava sisal which retain their strength and flexibility permanentln becoming an integral part cf the asphalt. The outside surfaces are heavy kraft, clean and pleasant to handle and providing perfect protection Ior the asphalt
There is profit as well as satisfaction in selling Sisalkraft. Here is a product you can push. It has many uses in addition to replacing building paper, and it is worthy oI your best efrorts. Over 8,000 dealers are now iellin! Sisalkralt and they are proud oI it. Send a trial order today.