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A Tribute to Home
Not long ago a young man in college went home for the week end. It was unexpected and rather perplexing to the parents, for it seemed an unnecessary trip, expensive, and money was scarce. But they quietly welcomed him and enjoyed his visit unguestioningly. A day or so after his return to school they received a letter from him, which read:
"I know you must have wondered at my coming, but I felt f must. Many things have been disturbing me lately, unsettliing my faith, overturning my philosophy, bringing doubt and darkness to my soul. I just had to come home to get within its atmosphere and feel that sureness of everythi4g again. And f found it."
McCloud River Lumber Co.
Installs Mill Improvements
The McCloud River Lumber Company, of McCloud, California, has recently made some mechanical installations of interest to the trade.
They installed a new lumber dipping tank, long enough to handle twenty foot lumber. This is to be used strictly for No. 2 Common lumber. This grade, either air or kiln dried, has a tendency in California White Pine, to crack at the ends when put through the planer, but when the lumber is dipped just before dressing this cracking is entirely prevented. When an order of this character is now received at McCloud, it is dipped, surfaced, loaded, and shipped within 24 hours. The lumber remains in the water but a few seconds.
Another interesting installation at McCloud is a late type and large capacity air compressor. One of the log cairiages has lately been equipped l'ith air dogs. The others operate by electricitr'.
Floyd W. Parish, Parish Lumber Co., Los Angeles, has returned from'a hunting trip in Mono county. He reports that he bagged a fine three point buck and several limit catches of trout.