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\M. B. Greeley Accepts AP- Takes Charge of Pittsburgh pointment to Conservation Office Commission
Seattle, Wash., October 30.-Colonel W. B. Greeley, secretary-manager of the West Coast Lumbermen's Association, - has aicepted an appointment from President Iloover to serve as a member of a commission on conservation and administration of the public domain. The appointment follows the announcement made by President -Hooner to a conference of governors and representatives of the eleven "public land" states held in Salt Lake City, Utah, in Auguit that he intended to name a commission to further the development of the relations between the federal and state governments in respect to the public ' lands and the reclamation service.
' In his message to the governors, President l{oover recommended thaf the remaining unappropriated public lands be transferred to the state governments for public school purposes and thus be placed under state administration. The federal government, the President stated, is incapable of the adequate administration of matters which require so large a matter of local understanding.
Other matters covered in recommendations by President Ifoover, and which are to be considered by the commission, include the reclamation service and development and conservation of mineral resources of the public domain.
Before becoming secretary-tnanager of the Association, Colonel Greeley was Chief Forester of the United States. As Chief Forester he had considerable experience in ad'ministering the grazing lands on the National Forests. ,One of the vital questions to be considered by the com,mission involves grazing lands.