2 minute read
Palliative Tests in Southern California
Through the cooperation of the Santa Fe Railroad Company, the Western Union Telegraph Company, the South.ern California Edison Company and the Bureau of Power and Light of Pasadena, the Termite Investigations Com;mittee has been able to set'some 20O field tests of varigus proposed palliative measures. While most of these tests will not be available for inspection for about a month, the Committee Chemical Engineer reports that a number of the tests are showing very promising results, both with respect to the subterranean and sound wood termites. A 100% kill of sound wood termites in large timbers has been obtained by inexpensive means. It is as yet too early to present preliminary recommendations.
Washington, D. C., Oct. 28.-Eftective October 28, J. R. Rapp of the New York field office of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association, will take charge of the Pittsburgh ofiice, 802 Law & Finance Building, succeeding Harold S-. Crosby who has been transferred to Kansas City. A forest products engineer pribr ,to coming with the National, M}. Rapp was associated constantly with the lumber industry since his graduation from Pennsylvania State College of Forestry in 1915. To familiarize himself thoroughly with the industry Mr. Rapp started as a'yard laborer and has since filled a cross section of positions. He has been assistant to the mill superintendent with the W. M. Ritter Lumber Company pnd has inspected lumber at southern mills, and dry kiln work at airplane factories in the Northwest for the U. S. Government. After the war he was employed in making surveys and appraisals of land and timber holdings. During the next four year period he served as manager of a large retail lumber yard at Ocean City, N. J. From September, 1928, to June, l9D, he was in charge of the Atlanta field office of the National.
A native of Pennsylvania and fully conversant with lumber conditions in and surrounding the Pittsburgh territory, Mr. Rapp is especially well fitted for his new position. He has had wide experience in the lumber industry and is an enthusiastic promoter of its interests. His function in the Pittsburgh territory is to give pracfical, expert service to lumber consumers and distributors.
Mark D. Campbell, manager of the Rail department of the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co., Portland, was a recent visitor to the Arizona, Los Angeles and San Francisco offices of the company on his way back from his annual tour of the firm's sales connections throughout the East, Middle West and Southwest.
Mr. Campbell, who had been away from his headquarters about seven weeks, left San Francisco for Portland November 2.
Guy E. Crow, of Tacoma, manager of 'the Pacific-Atlantic [-umber Corporation, was a recent visitor to San^Francisco.
Fire Hits Oakdale Yard
Fire of unknown origin destroyed the shed and some lumber piles of the United Lumber Yards, Inc. at Oakdale on October 28. Loss was estimate'd at $10.000.
Crannell, Calif.
Fairhaven, Calif.