2 minute read


By Jack Dionne

Ag not guaranteed---Some I have told lor 20 years---Some less

ADillercnce Large Though Small

They brought the colored brother into the court in Birmingham, and he was gloriously drunk.

ttMoser" said the justice, who knew him, "what on earth did you drink that got you so drunk?"

"Nuthin' but just dishere three pint two, Judge," teplied Mose.

"What?" exclaimed the Judge. "You mean to tell me you got such a load as this on three point two beer?"

"Nossuh, Judge," said the niggfer. 'NOT three point turo. Three PINT two. Three pints of whiskey to two of beer."

December Production Allotmenb Lumber Code Authority Approves for \(/estern Pine Will Be Minimum Prices for lmported

Determined Nov. 25 Woods

Portland, Ore., Nov. 3.-On November 25th, production allotments for December will be determined for sawmills located in the 'Western Pine Division, according to official notice given today by the Western Pine Association to all known sawmill operators in the Division.

Under the provisions of Article VIII (b) of the Lumber Code, any "Person" desiring to operate during the month of December, 1933 shall give the Western Pine Association, as administrative agency of the Lumber Code Authority in the Division, written notice on or before November 15th, and present acceptable eviden.ce of ability to operate and su,ch supporting data as is necessary to determine and assign a production allotment. If the information requested of the individual manufacturer and his application for a December allotment are not received by November 15th, any operation by the manufacturer during December will be considered in violation of the Lumber Code and subject to the penalties provided in the National Industrial Recovery Act and in the Lumber Code itself.

The necessary form for applying for an allotment and for furnishing supporting data, together with the notice of the allotment determination date set forth in its Bulletin No. 7; is being mailed today by the Western Pine Association to nearly 200O sawmills.

Ncw \(/holesaler in Oakland

Pyramid Lumber Sales Co. recently opened at 415 Pacific Building, Oakland, by Chris M. Wininger, will sell lumber products of all kinds at wholesale.

Mr. Wininger has spent twelve years in the lumber business, eleven and a half years of whi'ch time he was general purchasing agent for the Red River Lumber Co.. with headquarters in San Francisco.

Washington, D. C., Nov. 4-To protect domestic manufacturers against any unfair competition of imported woods the Lumber Code Authority has ruled that minimum prices for any foreign woods shall be equal at any delivery point to minimum cost-protection prices of the same or similar items of domestic species.

Under this ruling the authority declared that European (including Russian) spruce, pine or fir, Eastern Canadian spruce and Balsam fir must be sold at prices not lower than minimum cost-protection prices for equivalent items in northeastern spruce. Other comparisons follow:


Eastern Canadian Hemlock

Northern White Pine

Canadian Western White

Norway Pine


N. E. Hemlock

Northern White Pine

Idaho White Pine

Norway Pine

Canadian Aspen Aspen

Jack Pine Jack Pine

Canadian Western White Spruce Northern Spruce (Northern Pine Division)

Englemann Spruce Englemann Spruce

Sitka Spruce Sitka Spruce

Canadian Western Larch

Canadian West Coast Hemlock

Western Larch

West Coast Hemlock

Canadian Douglas Fir Douglas Fir

Canadian Western Red Cedar

Western Red Cedar Shingles

Mexican Softwoods

Eurooean or Canadian Oak

Eutopean or Canadian Beech, Birch, or Maple

Asiatic Oak of Maple

Candian Maple, Beech or Birch


Western Red Cedar

Western Red Cedar Shingles

Ponderosa Pine

Appalachian Oak

N. E. Beech, Birch or Maplc

Appalachian Oak

Maple, Beech, or Birch Flooring

With Holmes Eureka

John Freeman, former field man of the California Red'wood Association in the East Bay territory, has joined the stafi of Holmes Eureka Lumber Co., San Francisco. He will do trade promotion and field work, and will also be retail servi,ce man for this firm's HE products.

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