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Approve Fair Trade Practice Rules and Terms o[ Sale lor Woodwork Division

I. Schedule "B", Rules of Fair Trade Practice, as set out in the Code (see Lumber Code Authority Bulletin, Volume 1, Number 1, dated August 2I, 1933) were approved by the Authority on October 28, 1933, and declared by the Authority to be effective November 1, 1933.

II. The following terms of sale filed by the divisions under Section 5 (a) and which indicate the most favorable terms that can be made to buyers, were approved and adopted by the Authority on Octob,er D, 1933, and are effective November 1, 1933.

Section S-Sales, Orders and Invoices.

Woodwork Division

(a) Except and substitute:

(a) l-No Stock Manufacturer shall on stock woodwork products, other than screens, ofier terms of sale more liberal to the buyer than sixty days net, or 2 per cent discount for cash on net amount of the invoice, after deducting actual freight, if settlement is made within ten days after arrival, or, where frequent shipments are made, lYz per cent on or before the tenth of the month following date of shipment.

(a) 2-No stock screen manufacturer shall, on screens, offer terms of sale more liberal to the buyer than @ days net, or 2 per cent discount for cash on the net amount of the invoice, if settlement is made within ten days after date of invoice, or within ten days after arrival of shipment, or where frequent shipments are made l7/2 pet cent discount on or before the tenth of the month following date of shipment. Nothing herein shall prevent the giving of recognized spring and fall datings on definitely listed products under the conditions hereinafter stated.

(a) 3-No wholesale distributor shall on carload sales offer terms more liberal to the buyer than sixty days net, or a sixty-day net trade acceptance, or 2 per cent discount for cash on net amount of invoice after deducting actual freight if settlement is made within ten days after arrival. On less than carload sales, the terms shall be established by each Regional group.

(a) 4-No manufacturer of made-to-order or special woodwork shall offer terms of sale more liberal to the buyer than sixty days net, or 2 per cent discount for cash on net amount of the invoice, after deducting actual transportation charges if settlement is made on or before the tenth of the month following delivery. There is excepted from the foregoing provisions (1) sales on specific construction projects where retainage is part of the contract, and (2) deferred payment plan sales provided that not less than the legal rate of interest is charged on such deferred payments.

(a) 7-Terms of sale shall be clearly shown on all invoices and general price literature.

The provisions of the above paragraphs have been ap.proved by the Lumber Code Authority, effective November 1, 1933, and they now have the full force and effect of all other provisions of the Code.

Yes, Wasn't lt !

The watchman saw the street car pause, Although it had the right of way; He gave the signal, whereupon, It gathered speed without delay. And then a handsome touring car From out the side street seemed to dart. The watchman uttered cryptic speech, And clutched his madly beating heart.

Of course there was a frightful crashFor blocks around folks felt the jar, The intersection soon was swarmed By gaping mobs from near and far. An ambulance came dashing up, Bells clanged, horns honked, policemen swore, The fire department took a hand Before the wild melee was o'er.

No one was killed-a miracle, But that proud Chev had had its day; Never again would driving fool Its classic lines and speed display. The street car was a nervous wreck, With shattered steps and splintered side, It stood in abject misery Bereft of its inherent pride.

Investigations? O, of course; And in the somber court one day, They called the watchman to the stand And asked him what he had to say. "What did you do ?" they said at length, "When first you saw that speeding car?" The watchman shook his towsled head, And fumbled idly with his star.

"I didn't do a gol durned thing; I think I well nigh lost my wit. I stood stock still and yelled right out, 'That IS a fine car-WASN'T it!"'

Adeline Merriam Conner.

Calling On Arizona Trade

C. M. Freelaird, Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co., Los Angeles, is calling on the Arizona lumber trade with C. P. Henry, their Arizona representative who makes his headquarters at Phoenix. Mr. Freeland left on November 12 and expects to spend a week in the Arizona territory.

Northwest Millmen Visit California

Peter Schafer, president, and Albert Schafer, vice president, Schafer Bros. Lumber & Shingle Company, Montesano, 'Wash., have returned to the Northwest after spending two weeks in California on business. They visited the company's offices in Los Angeles and San Francisco.

Showing its faith in the future of the town and its confidence that business generally is on the upgrade, the Sterling Lumber Company recently completed constru,ction of its new yard in Roseville, Calif.

The new plant, one of the most modern and up to date in the State, is located in the 600 block on Vernon Street. and the heads of the 'company make no secret of the fact that they a're very proud of the new yard, whi'ch represents an investment of over $9000. Incidentally it may be mentioned that 67 Roseville laborers and mechanics were employed in the construction work during the last few months. This and the many improvements'carried out in their other yards makes a substantial contribution by the company to the President's National Recovery Program.

The formal opening, celebrating the moving of the company's business from its old location on Lincoln Street to its new home, was held on Saturday, November 4. A full

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