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Chest Agencies Stress Need of Protection lor Chlldren

Thousands of children of the depression will look to the Community Chests of the nation to assist them back to normalcy during the coming year, in accordance with the Chest programs throughout the country to aid those boys and girls who have been deprived not only of creature necessities during the past four years, but who have been in desperate need of intelligent and sympathetic guidance for their leisure hours.

Chest agencies everywhere are stressing the tremendous need of protection for boys and girls who now, more than ever, are endangered by the many injurious forces that thrive during periods of economic strife, according to Joseph Scott, president of the Los Angeles Community Chest. Chest character building and preventive agencies play important parts in these programs, giving helpful education, vocational, and recreational programs to benefit youth.

While aid and guidance to children will be the keynote of these prog'rams, it is just one of many phases of the Community Chest activities in caring for human needs other than those growing directly out of unemployment. These agencies will also deal with those people who are ineligible for governmental funds, the poor, the crippled, the sick, the handicapped and the aged.

Due to increased needs, and the necessity of paying sales tax as well as rising commodity prices on all material pur,chases, expenses of Chest agencies in California, at least, will be greatly increased during L933-34, according to Donald O'Melveny, campaign chairman of the Los Angeles Community Chest. O'Melveny pointed out that only a 20 per cent increase over the amount given last year rvould compensate for these additional operation costs and enables agencies in that city to effectively extend their services to additional thousands urgently in need of attention, and facing the possibilitl' of permanent impairment of their health, if neglected.

Not only do Chest agencies meet the emergencv, but the"v build for the future. Millions of dollars in civic health and crime bills in years to come would be saved by increased giving during these campaigns throughout the nation, O'Melveny stated.

Uncle Sam to Sell Game Animals

Flave you a little deer in your home? Or how about a nice live elk for the front yard, or a kind-faced buffa1o for the patio ? The U. S. Biological Survey invites bids for a surplus of l7O game animals on Federal reserves located in the national forests of Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota and South Dakota. These animals must be disposed of to prevent overcrowding the range. Those not sold under the Bureau's invitation can be obtained for cost of handling and transportation, by State or municipal parks, zoos, or game preserves, by making special arrangements with the Survey.

The Protection of A Mutual Interest

Behind our policies is that mutual interest and desire to protect against loss. ft's not enough-though a definite obligation-to pay claime fairly and promptly. We help to prevent 6ree by cngineering counsel and elimination of hazards. We reduce ineurance cost by substantial dividends. We o{er protection PLUS. Vrite any ol our companies lor lull inlormation about our protection anil sauing

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