1 minute read
Built- ins
By Jack Dionne
Built-ins oI cll sorts hqve become household neceseities. They lurnish the home cmd cpcrrbnent dweller with newer cnd better conveniences, put wood where wood wcs never used belore, cmd mqke millions oI lriends lor wooden things. tnto every coraer ol the kitchen, the pcrntry, the brecHcst room, the dining room, the bathroom, the closets, go these intelligently crrcrnged built-ins to mcke dwellings more livcble, curd mqke humcrns hcppier.
They replcce bqre wclls cnd dust-gcthering conrers qnd wqsted Epqce ol <rll sorts, crnd, by their uselulness, they confer untold blessings on mqnldnd. The old-timer hole-in-the-wcll closet becomes the qtlrcctive repository of mcn's possessions, using clever drcnrers, hcrtrcrclcs, shoe-rqcks, hcngers of cll eorts, etc. Boost built-ins, lvlr. Lumbermcrn" for in thcrt direction lies prosperity. And ofler a prqyer thcrt more thinking men mcy come crlong crnd devise wcys c"rd mecns for trcnslcting lumber into other desLable shcrpes cnd fonns thcrt help humcns io live better ccrd more cbundcntly, cnd which they will trcrde their ccrsh cnd credit lor. The only wise wcty to get more orders for wood is to develop more qnd better wcrys oI using it.
Tcke built-in ironing boards. Whct c mighty importcnt industry the mcmufcrcture crnd scrle oI thcrt one home item hqs becomel In the old dcys ihe crvercge ironing boqrd wqs bcrlcnrced between tcrble cnd chcrirs, <rnd stood crround the house in everyone's wcry between tines. Or it stood on lolding legs. Neither wcrs prccticcrl or convenient. Now we mcke more thcn c million lolding, scientilic, built-in ironing bocrrds crnnucrlly. They come recrdy to set into the wcll ol the old home or the new, the llct or the crpcrrtment. There should be ct lecst one on every lloor, or in every crpcrtment. The mqnuIqcture ol these bocrrds cotrsumes cr world oI shop lumber, is cr fine thing lor the mqnulcrcturers, a swell sidE line lor the decrler, ctnd cr wonderlul utility lor every dwelling.
When their yard was partially destroyed by a fire in the early morning of July 7, believed to be incendiary, Henry Laws Co. of Santa Rosa allowed practically no interruption of their business. Rebuilding was started almost immediately and within 60 days they had completed a fine new office, display room and store and a big shed to replace the burned structures.
The office, display room and store building is 110 feet long. The new storage shed, part of which can be seen at the right of the picture, is 22O feet in length, double-decked for flat piling of lumber, which is taken directly from the car door to the pile. The picture of a section of the shed is taken from the spur track that runs through the yard.