1 minute read
Santa Ruo Ea/ril eo.rrdeJpL
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A tile wall has been built between the sheds and the office building for fire protection.
The inside alleys are hard surfaced with tar macadam. A speaking system connects the office with six stations throughout the yard.
The rvalls of the main office are finished in Insulite insulation board. Insulite Tile is used on the ceiling. The private office is finished in Fir-Tex insulating board with Fir-Tex Acoustical Tile on the ceiling.
Knotty Pine is used on the walls of the salesmen's room. The ceiling is of Johns-Manville insulation board.
Various types of panel boards hallways and other store rooms.
Pabco linoleum is laid on the were employed in the floors throughout the building.
A central heating plant with an air conditioning unit has been installed in the building. The ceiling is efiectively insulated with Palco Wool.
Builders hardware is displayed on one side of the store and Pabco Paints on the other.
A complete stock of Fir, Redwood and California Pine lumber and other building materials is carried, and the company's advertising features the fact that they ftrrnish the job complete except electric work and plumbing.
They operate a fine modern mill which is situated across the street from the yard.
Henry Laws is president of the comPany. Steve Yaeger is vice-president.