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Sturdibilt Flush Doors Use Hardwood Faces 30th Annual Pacific Logging Congresr

M and M Wood Working Company, Portland, Oregon, are manufacturing a new door, the Sturdibilt Hollow Core Flush Door, that is available in Unselected Birch, Unselected Gum, Vertical Grain Fir, and Philippine Mahogany. The company states that natural finishes, stains and bleaches, as well as paint finishes, can be achieved with the above woods, also the hardwood face veneers, l/16 inch thick, assure ample depth for decorative routing if desired. 'Features of the new door are its three-piece gluedup stiles and ventilation system.

The company will furnish catalog and descriptive folders on fequest.

Wins Prize In Red Cedar Shingle Contest

W. N. Baker, Woodland Lumber Company, Woodland, Calif., was one of the lucky winners in the recent contest sponsored by the Red Cedar Shingle Bureau for the best display or promotion ideas for the sale of Certigrade shingles. He was awarded a prize of $15.00, and was the only California lumberman to place in the nation-wide contest.

Visit San Francisco

J. W. (Bill)"Back of the Back Panel Company, Los Angeles, and Mrs. Back returned at the end of October from a 10-day vacation trip to San Francisco, where they visited friends and saw the Fair.

The thirtieth annual Pacific Logging Congress was held in Portland, Ore., October 11-13. The Congress elected the following officers: Fred B. Brown, B.&K. Logging Co., Ltd., Vancouver, B. C., president; Truman Collins, Grande Ronde Pine Co., Pondosa, O're., vice-president; A. A. Lausmann, Squaw Mountain Timber Co., Portla.nd, Ore., treasurer, and A. Whisnant, Portland, Ore., secretary. G. J. Manary, The Pacific Lumber Company, Scotia, Calif., is retiring president.


E. W. Daniels, president of Harbor Plywood Corporation, Hoquiam, Wash., arrived by plane in Los Angeles last week from Chicago and was met there by C. W. Buckner, sales engineer for the organization. Mr. Daniels left San Francisco by plane for the Northwest. November 9.


Ralph M. Rounds, president of the Rockport Redr,vood Company and also of the newly formed Rounds Trading Company, has recently spent two weeks visiting the San Francisco and Los Angeles offices.

Makes Yard Improvements

San Diego Planing Mill, San Diego, has made some extensive yard improvements and has increased its lumber storage capacity.

L. N. Ericksen New Forest Products Chief at Experiment Station in Berkeley

L. N. Ericksen has been app,ointed to head the Division of Forest Products at the California Forest and Range Experiment Station which is maintained by the U. S. Forest Service at Berkeley in cooperation with the University of California. He succeeds C. L. Hill, in charge of that work in the California region for nearly N years, who has been app'ointed a special assistant to Director E. I. Kotok.

Mr. Ericksen is a forestry graduate of the University of Minnesota. He comes to the California Sation directly from the position of contact officer of the Western Pine Association at its Washington, D. C. office. Previously he had been with the National Lumber Manufacturers Association, as well as with the U. S. Forest Products Laboratory at Madison, Wisconsin.

For several years the Products work at the California Station has emphasized cost and returns studies of logging and sawmilling, designed to determine at what 1og and tree diameters the zer'o profit margin occurs for different species of timber. In addition to such cost studies by the Division of Products it is planned to give greater emphasis to maintaining an intimate acquaintance with the problems of lumber and wood production, fabrication, and use in the State.

Phil Gosslin With Gorman Lumber Co.

Phil Gosslin, salesman for the past six years with Jas. L. Hall, San Fran'cisco wholesale lumber dealer, has resigned his position and is'now with the Gorman Lumber Co. as salesman in the San Francisco Bay district.

Phil has had 13 years' experience in the manufacturing and wholesale branches of the lumber business. He was with the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co. from 1926 to 1933, part of which time was spent in their St. Helens, Ore.. sawmill.

Guy Smith Moves to San Francisco

Guy E. Smith, who has been in charge of' the Los Angeles office of the Rockport Redwood Company for some time, has moved to San Francisco to become active in the Rounds Trading Co,mpany.

F. A. (Pete) Toste, formerly with MacDonald & Harrington, Los Angeles, has,succeeded Mr. Smith as manager of the Los Angeles office.

John Muffley, formerly connected with the Hollywood yard of Lounsberry & Harris, has charge of the storage yard of Rockport Redwood Company at San Pedro.


W. Roy Lindsay, Lindsay Lumber Company, Hynes, Calif., has been named one of the lieutenant governors in the California-Nevada Kiwanis district for 1940, Joseph C. Tope of Stockton, governor-elect for the district, has announced. Thirteen lieutenant governors are named for the CaliforniaNevada district.

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