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L.A. Cats Plan Concatat Elks Club Dec. 12
Here is the best news that has broken .in Southern California in the last three months.
The cats of the Los Angeles district are going to stage a concatenation at the Elks' club in Los Angeles on Tuesday night, December 12.
Remember that date and prepare to attend. The committee has arranged with the chef at the club for a big clinner to which cats and kittens both are invited; Fred Golding, chairman of the initiation committee, is getting ready to treat .the kittens to a characteristic Hoo-Hoo initiatory ceremony, and the entertainment committee of which Berne Barker is chairman, will import some talent for the particular purposes of the occasion.
But the important preliminary work is in the hands of the committee on membership of which Herman Rosenberg is the chairman. Frank Connelly, "Bob" Taenzer and B. W. Bookstaver have been named as the additional members of the membership committee. A score of applicatants already have asked for admittance to the order. Dozens of others probably will be signed up before the meeting.
OUR BUSINESS is to handle your orders understandingly and carefully and to furnish that for which you pay.
But Chiirman-Rosenberg is particularly anxious to have all applications filled out properly and accompanied by the neccssaiy fee at least a week before the date of the concat. Address applications to the chairman, Box 607, Station 3, Los Angeles... A tig delegation from, San Diego and Orange County will join in the festivities.
Fuller Is Reappointed Vicegerent Snark In Sacramento Valley District
Harry Fuller of the Fuller Lumber Co., of Lodi, has been re-appointed Vicegerent Snark by Supreme Senior Hoo-Hoo C. D. Lel\{aster.
Mr. Fuller has served in this capacity for the past year in the most able manner. With his wide acquaintance and popularity amopg the Hoo-Hoo and lttmbermen of his district we may look forward to splendid growth of the Order in his district and ,c'ontinuous activities of the Order such as will be interesting and helpful rto its members and thb Industry.
Some More of TOM'S SAYINGS
Fred C. Hamilton, of the Benson Lumber Co., of San Diego, has been appointed by Supreme Senior Hoo-Hoo C. D. LeMaster, as Vicegerent Snark of the San Diego District, succeeding O. S. King.
Mr. Hamilton is one of the loyal and enthusiastic HooHoo workers of his district; one who is popular and has the confidence of the Hoo-Hoo and lumbermen and his Sgpoin_tment assures continuous progress and growth for Hoo-Hoo in the San Diego District.
E. R. Wi,cks, head of ,the Vaughan Lumber Co,mpany, of Flouston, was a visitor in both Los Apgeles and San Francisco during the past week. He was on his way to Portland, Oregon, where he plans to open a western wholesale department for his concern. The Vaughan Lumber Company is, one of ,the oldest and best known lumber firms in Texas, and probably the largest wholesaler o{ Southern Pine in the en,tire country. They have their own mill connections, as well as their own line yards in various parts of the country, in addition to their enormous wholesale business. They already have northwestern purchasing offices in both Spokane, Wash., and Seat'tle, and will now op,en an office in P,ortland which will be the main western office.
Mr. Wicks was a caller at the office of The California Lumber Merchan,t.

Mr. King who has served in the capacity as Vicegerent for the past year has made an enviable record in which he is deserving_,o{ much credit. Through his efforts a splendid Hoo-Hoo Club was organized and has met regularly-durine the .past ,several m,onths, resulting in much,-good- in prd rnoting the welfare of the Order and the interest of -the lumbermen.
Atlanta Yields To New Orleans
At a meeting of the Atlanta Hoo-Hoo Club on November 13, a resolution was presented and adopted whereby Atlanta r,r'ithdraws from *the field of cities se&in g the l9i3 Annual Hoo-Hoo convention, in favor of New Orleans. Atlanta will be a con,tender for the 1924 in'ternational HooHoo meeting. Atlanta is making plans to invade New Orleans with a large delegation of cats, it having been anticipated that the Crescent City would be selected for ,this vear's annual convention,.
Ohio Dealers To Visit Califiornia Cities In Early February
The itinerary for the forthcoming trip of the Ohio retailers to the Pacific Coast now is complete and provides for more than a week in the various cities of California.
Their first formal stop will be made at Euieka where they will arrive on the evening of February 6. They will visit some of the big redwood mills the following day. February 8 and 9 will be passed in San Francisco; Saturday, the 1fth and Sunday', the 11th at Yosemite, and the following Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at Los Angeles.
The lumbermen in the various California cities that they visit are making adequate arrangements for their entertainment: Before coming to California the party will visit the big mills of the Northwest.